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Common reasons for explosions include the presence of flammable gases, liquids, or dust, ignition sources such as sparks or flames, and confined spaces that allow pressure to build up. Other factors can include chemical reactions, mechanical failures, or human error.

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Q: What are the most common reasons for explosions?
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What wave is produced in nuclear explosions?

Nuclear explosions produce a combination of shock waves, heat waves, and electromagnetic waves. The initial shock wave is the most destructive component, causing widespread damage and destruction near the explosion site.

What waves have the highest frequency and carry the most energy?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency and carry the most energy. These electromagnetic waves have the shortest wavelength and are emitted from the most energetic processes in the universe, such as nuclear reactions and supernova explosions.

What is the difference between collision and explosions?

Collision is the impact between two or more objects resulting in a transfer of energy, while explosions involve a rapid release of energy causing sudden expansion. Collisions can either be elastic (objects bounce off each other) or inelastic (objects stick together), whereas explosions typically involve a rapid transformation of materials into hot gases. Both collisions and explosions involve the transfer of energy, but explosions are usually more destructive and result in a greater release of energy.

What radiation is most deadly?

Gamma radiation is considered the most deadly type of radiation as it is highly penetrating and can easily damage tissues and cells in the body. This type of radiation is emitted during nuclear reactions and explosions.

How many of the reactors exploded?

During the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, three of the reactors experienced hydrogen explosions. These explosions occurred in Reactors 1, 3, and 4.

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