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Theoretical calculations of moment of inertia may not account for irregular shapes or non-uniform densities, leading to inaccuracies. Additionally, theoretical calculations often involve assumptions that may not hold true in real-world scenarios, further affecting the accuracy of the results. Finally, complex shapes or objects may require advanced mathematical techniques that can be challenging to apply in practice.

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Q: What are the limitation and weakness for moment of inertia determined theoretically?
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The inertia of an object is determined by its speed true or false?

False. The inertia of an object is determined by its mass, not its speed. Inertia is a property of matter that represents its resistance to changes in motion.

Did inertia depends on the speed?

Inertia does not depend on speed. Inertia is an object's resistance to a change in its state of motion, and it is determined by its mass. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia, regardless of its speed.

Is the weight of an object determined by the pull of inertia?

No. The weight by an object is related to the object's mass. Inertia is a separate effect, also due to mass - but there is no such thing as a "pull of inertia".

What determines the inertia of a body?

The inertia of a body is determined by its mass - the amount of matter in the body. The more massive a body is, the greater its inertia, meaning it resists changes in its state of motion.

Does a cart loaded with groceries have more inertia because it has more mass than an empty cart?

True. Mass is the only way to measure inertia. more mass = more inertiaYes, a cart loaded with groceries has more inertia because it has more mass than the empty cart. The inertia of any object is determined by the amount of its mass.Truetrue

What gives an object inertia?

An object's inertia is determined by its mass. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, which affects how much force is needed to change its state of motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia.

can a weightless body have inertia?

Yes, a weightless body can still have inertia. Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion, and it is determined by the mass of an object rather than its weight. Even if a body has no weight due to being weightless in space, it will still have inertia based on its mass.

What Factors affect the amount of inertia of body?

The amount of inertia of a body is determined by its mass - the greater the mass, the greater the inertia. Inertia also depends on the distribution of mass within the body - objects with more of their mass concentrated towards the outer edges have greater inertia. Additionally, the shape and size of an object can affect its inertia - larger and more compact objects tend to have more inertia.

What two determine an objects inertia?

An object's inertia is determined by its mass and velocity. Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object, while velocity is the speed and direction of its motion. A heavier object or an object with greater velocity will have greater inertia.

Why 1 kg cotton and 1 kg iron has same inertia?

Inertia depends on mass, not material composition. Both 1 kg of cotton and 1 kg of iron have the same mass, hence they exhibit the same inertia. Inertia is a property that describes an object's resistance to changes in its state of motion, which is solely determined by its mass.

What does lanugor mean?

Languor refers to a state of tiredness or inertia, often characterized by a lack of energy or enthusiasm. It can manifest as physical weakness or mental sluggishness.

How can the inertia of an object be determined?

The inertia of an object can be determined by measuring its mass and the distance of its mass from the axis of rotation. This can be done using the formula for rotational inertia, which is given by I = m * r^2, where I is the inertia, m is the mass, and r is the distance from the axis of rotation.