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The figure of merit of a galvanometer depends on its sensitivity, which is the amount of deflection for a given current; its damping, which is how quickly the needle returns to zero position after being deflected; and its resistance, which affects the amount of current needed for deflection.

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Q: What are the factors on which the figure of merit of galvanometer depends?
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What is figure of merit of a ballistic galvanometer?

The figure of merit of a ballistic galvanometer is a measure of its sensitivity and is determined by the product of the period of oscillation and the total resistance of the galvanometer coil. It quantifies the ability of the galvanometer to accurately measure the charge or current passing through it during a ballistic or short-duration pulse. A higher figure of merit indicates a more sensitive galvanometer.

What is the relation of Figure of merit with current sensitivity?

The figure of merit is used to evaluate the performance of a sensor by considering factors like sensitivity, resolution, and noise. Current sensitivity specifically refers to the ability of a sensor to respond to changes in current. A higher figure of merit indicates better overall sensor performance, which can be influenced by the current sensitivity of the sensor.

What are 5 example of conductor?

SilverCopperGoldIronIonized airleadwater with dissolved mineralsgraphiteBut it also depends on which you wish to conduct.For thermal conductivity, the top group, in order of merit, are graphene, diamond, silver, copper.For acoustic (sound) conductivity, you need a rigid non - lossy material, and Beryllium is probably at the top, but with similar metals such as tungsten and steel not far behind.And Brahms and Bach have their followers in the music field.

What does a nuke do?

A nuke, short for nuclear weapon, is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. When detonated, it releases immense heat, blast waves, and radiation, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. The impact of a nuclear weapon can have devastating long-term effects on the environment and human health.

Which uses more energy parallel circuit or a series circuit?

In a parallel circuit, each component receives the full voltage supplied by the source, which can lead to higher energy consumption overall compared to a series circuit where the voltage is divided between components. Therefore, a parallel circuit tends to use more energy.

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What is definition of figure of merit of galvanometer?

It is the amount if current it takes for unit deflection in the given galvanometer. k = I/theta Where k is the figure of merit, I is the current supplied and Theta equals the number of divisions of deflection.

What is figure of merit?

it is amount if current takes for unit diffection in given galvanometer

What is figure of merit of a ballistic galvanometer?

The figure of merit of a ballistic galvanometer is a measure of its sensitivity and is determined by the product of the period of oscillation and the total resistance of the galvanometer coil. It quantifies the ability of the galvanometer to accurately measure the charge or current passing through it during a ballistic or short-duration pulse. A higher figure of merit indicates a more sensitive galvanometer.

What is the relation of Figure of merit with current sensitivity?

The figure of merit is used to evaluate the performance of a sensor by considering factors like sensitivity, resolution, and noise. Current sensitivity specifically refers to the ability of a sensor to respond to changes in current. A higher figure of merit indicates better overall sensor performance, which can be influenced by the current sensitivity of the sensor.

What is the figure of merit of logic family?

A figure of merit correlated with the energyefficiency of a device. It can be calculated by the product of propagation delay time with power dissipation.

What is the figure of merit inic logic family?

A figure of merit correlated with the energyefficiency of a device. It can be calculated by the product of propagation delay time with power dissipation.

What is the Merit of Nust university for engineering?

Well it has No merit, it mainly depends upon you entry test..

What is the figure of merit of 2-stage amplifier if each stage amplifier contains 10dB gain?

this site has not given the answer of my question

What the difference between merit system and merit principle?

The merit system refers to a personnel management approach where job candidates are selected, promoted, and rewarded based on their abilities, qualifications, and performance. The merit principle, on the other hand, is a broader concept emphasizing that individuals should be appointed to positions in the government based on their qualifications and skill rather than their political connections or other external factors. In essence, the merit principle guides the implementation of the merit system.

What is the heat conductivity difference between copper and stainless steel?

A figure of merit for copper is 231A figure of merit for stainless steel is 8.1A figure of merit for steel (mild) is 32A figure of merit for aluminum is 136.The units are BTU / H * ft * Degrees F.For a given length of time copper will conduct almost twice as much heat as aluminum and 28 times as much as stainless steel (but only about 7 times as much as regular steel). This is why there are copper bottomed stainless steel pots.From the definition of thermal conductivity: for 1 Ft cube of copper it would take 231 BTU per hour to maintain a 1 degree (Fahrenheit) temperature difference across the the length of the cube. This compares to 0.04 BTU for a 1 ft. cube of fiberglass insulation.

What statement best illustrates the difference between Merit Priniciples and Prohibited Practices?

Merit Principles require selection and advancement based on qualifications, while Prohibited Practices involve discriminating against individuals based on factors like race, gender, or political affiliation. Essentially, Merit Principles focus on merit-based decisions, whereas Prohibited Practices involve unfair discrimination.