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The heat emitted by a hot body depends on its temperature, surface area, and emissivity. The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the total amount of heat radiation emitted by a body is directly proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

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Q: What are the factors does the heat emitted by a hot body depend?
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What Radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first?

The radiation emitted by a body that absorbed it first is known as re-emitted or secondary radiation. This occurs when absorbed energy is re-radiated by the object in a different form such as heat or light.

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When radiant heat falls on a body, it can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted through the body. The absorption of radiant heat by a body depends on factors such as the material's surface properties, color, texture, and temperature. Materials with dark colors and matte surfaces tend to absorb more radiant heat compared to light-colored and shiny surfaces.

Is absorbed radiation re emitted as energy?

Yes, absorbed radiation can be re-emitted as energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation or heat. This phenomenon is known as re-emission or re-radiation. The amount and wavelength of the re-emitted radiation depend on the properties of the absorbing material.

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The human body naturally emits low levels of infrared radiation, also known as heat energy. This is due to the body's heat production through metabolic processes.

Is heat emitted by the body at 200 celsius is twice the heat emitted by the body at 100 celsius?

Not at all. First of all, 200 Celsius is not double 100 Celsius. To make this kind of comparisons, you have to use an absolute scale, i.e., Kelvin. 200 Celsius = 473K; 100 Celsius = 373K, so that is only about a 27% increase. Second, the energy emitted by a hot body is (roughly?) proportional to the 4th. power of the temperature. Raising the ratio to the fourth power gives you a factor of about 2.59 - the hotter body will radiate 2.59 times as much heat energy as the cooler body.

How do you mesure extreme temperatures?

Depending on the heat emitted by a body, the colour of the body varies. by mapping the colour of a body to the standard scales, the temperature of the body can be determined. The temperature of sun is determined in this manner.

What is the primary mode of heat loss?

The primary mode of heat loss in humans is through radiation, where body heat is emitted in the form of infrared radiation. Other modes of heat loss include conduction, convection, and evaporation.

What three ways do you lose heat?

You can lose heat through convection, where heat is transferred through air or water currents; conduction, when heat is transferred through direct contact with a colder object; and radiation, when heat is emitted as infrared radiation from your body.

What are some examples of infared rays?

Examples of infrared rays include heat radiation from a fire, body heat emitted by humans and animals, and infrared lamps used in therapy. Infrared rays are also emitted by the sun and can be used in technologies like infrared cameras and communication devices.

How much heat can you loose through your head by not wearing a hat?

While the idea that we lose most of our body heat through our head is a myth, not wearing a hat in cold weather can still contribute to heat loss. The amount of heat lost through the head will depend on factors like temperature, wind speed, and individual metabolism, but wearing a hat can help maintain body temperature and prevent excess heat loss.

What are solme examples of infrared waves?

Some examples of infrared waves include the heat emitted by a fire, the radiation emitted by the human body, and the signals used by remote controls to operate electronic devices.

What form of electromagnetic radiation is emitted by low temperature objects like the human body?

Low temperature objects like the human body emit infrared radiation. This type of electromagnetic radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light and is felt as heat.