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water droplets coming together when they are close together.

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Ashton Stoltenberg

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2y ago
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3mo ago

Two examples of cohesion are when water molecules stick together due to hydrogen bonding, forming surface tension, and when the plasma membranes of plant roots create a continuous column of water through capillary action.

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14y ago

All forms of water (rain, in a glass, etc.) are examples of cohesion. Cohesion is a term used to coin the attraction between molecules of the same compound. Water is extremely cohesive being a polar molecule.

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13y ago

Cohesion (n. lat. cohaerere "stick or stay together") or cohesive attraction or cohesive forceis a physical property of a substance, caused by the intermolecular attraction between like-molecules within a body or substance that acts to unite them.Mercury exhibits more cohesion than adhesion

Water, for example, is strongly cohesive as each molecule may make four hydrogen bonds to other water molecules in a tetrahedral configuration. This results in a relatively strong Coulomb force between molecules. Van der Waals gases such as methane, however, have weak cohesion due only to Van der Waals forces that operate by induced polarity in non-polar molecules.

Cohesion, along with adhesion (attraction between unlike molecules), helps explain phenomena such as meniscus, surface tension and capillary action.

Mercury in a glass flask is a good example of the effects of the ratio between cohesive and adhesive forces. Because of its high cohesion and low adhesion to the glass, mercury does not spread out to cover the bottom of the flask , and if enough is placed in the flask to cover the bottom, it exhibits a strongly convex meniscus, where the meniscus of water is concave . Mercury will not wet the glass, unlike water and many other liquids ,[1] and if the glass is tipped, it will 'roll' around inside.

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13y ago

cohesion: water forming a dome

adhesion: water clinging to a paper towels

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12y ago

water droplets coming together when they are close together.

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12y ago

water. Because living organisms need water to survive and water is cohesive.

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14y ago

water beads on the floor and water falls from the sky in the form of raindrops

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11y ago


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Q: What are the two example of cohesion?
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What are the types of cohesion?

Types of CohesionThe seven types of cohesion are as stated by (Ian Sommervile 1998):1. "Coincidental cohesion: The parts of a component are not related but simply bundled into a single component.2. Logical association: Components that perform similar functions such as input, error handling and so on are put together in a single component.3. Temporal cohesion: All of the components that are activated at a single time, such as start up or shut down, are brought together.4. Procedural cohesion: The elements in a component make up a single control sequence.5. Communicational cohesion: All of the elements of a component operate on the same input data or produce the same output data.6. Sequential cohesion: The output from one element in the component serves as input for some other element.7. Functional cohesion: Each part of the component is necessary for the execution of a single function".

How does adhesion and cohesion results to the formation of a meniscus?

Adhesion between water and the walls of the container causes the liquid to climb the walls, while cohesion between water molecules creates a curved surface at the top of the liquid. The combination of these forces results in the formation of a meniscus, which is concave for water in a glass container and convex for water in a narrow tube.

What is meant by term 'Cohesion'?

The term "cohesion" refers to the action of cohering, sticking together, or uniting together. In chemistry and physics, the word "cohesion" is referring to a force that is molecular between particles within a body or substance that unites them.

What is the meaning of cohession?

Cohesion refers to the degree to which elements within a group or system are connected or work together towards a common goal. It is a measure of the strength of the relationships between the components in a system. High cohesion indicates strong unity and interdependence, while low cohesion suggests a lack of unity and coordination.

Why is community cohesion important?

community cohesion is important because, it is where people with different religions and races work as a community .It brings together groups and gives them, more of aunderstanding or knowledge of there faiths or of that person or group. This includes many different areas in community cohesion what are: sexism racism discrimination prejudice women preists and multi-faith society These are the most importent to do with community cohesion and, wuld consist in an exam, most likely.

Related questions

What is an example of cohesion in everyday life?

Carmel or Maple Syrup that is a visious cohesion, a calm cohesion is milk and or water!!

What is a real life example of cohesion?

The attraction among molecules of a substance is cohesion.

What is cohesion?

Cohesion is when two things come together. In Biology, the term is used to refer to molecules sticking together through attraction. For example, two water molecules would be said to be cohesive since they are held together by attraction. The official definition of the word cohesion is "the action or fact of forming a united whole."

Are hydrogen bonds an example of cohesion?

Yes, hydrogen bonds are an example of cohesion. Cohesion refers to the attraction between molecules of the same substance, and hydrogen bonds form between water molecules due to the positive and negative charges on the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This cohesion is responsible for the surface tension and high boiling point of water.

What are the examples of cohesion?

Examples of Cohesion *Water clinging to your newly waxed car *Water clinging to a pice of waxed paper The examples above are actually examples of ADHESION not COHESION. ADHESION is the force that attracts two DIFFERENT materials together. COHESION is the sticking of two LIKE substances.

Which group is an example of ensuring new arrivals are welcomed?

unit cohesion

When evaluating cohesion you make most of the topics the subjects of verbs This is an example of?


When evaluating cohesion you make most of the topics the subjects of verbs. This is an example of?


What ensures new arrival are welcomed into the group is an example of?

promoting unit cohesion

When evaluating cohesion you make most of the topics subjects of verbs. This is an example of?


When evaluating cohesion you make most of the topic the subject of verbs. This is an example of?


The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together is called?

This depends. If the molecules are of different kinds (ie: Water and Glass), then it is called adhesion. If they are of the same kind, it is called cohesion.The tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick to one another is known as cohesion. This is what keeps the molecules together a good example being in water.