

What are the example of the sound body?

Updated: 5/27/2024
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13y ago

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Examples of a sound body include having a healthy weight, regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and overall good physical health without any underlying medical conditions.

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How many decibel can absorb in your body?

The human body does not have the ability to absorb decibels as they are a unit of measurement for sound intensity. However, the body can act as a barrier that can reduce the transmission of sound waves. For example, the skull can help to attenuate sound when it passes from the external environment to the inner ear.

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Anything with sound is a good example of sound energy.Examples: laugh, scream, yelling, hollaring: )

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An example of a low sound is the rumble of thunder during a thunderstorm.

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A hollow guitar body gives the most sound in acoustic guitars. For pure volume, a larger body will give more sound. For the purest sound, a body with well tunes harmonic vibrations will give the purest sound.

How sound energy form?

sound energy is formed by a vibrating body. We can say that sound is produced only when a body is vibrating.

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Puget Sound is a large body of water located by the Olympic Peninsula

Sound waves are an example of what?

They are an example of waves.

An example of sound such as in geographic features?

English Sound

What is an example for sound?

clap your hands. that's a sound.