Dead objects used to be alive.
It's almost all semantics, and egocentricity.
The noun 'body' may be a word for an animate or an inanimate thing, depending on context; for example:the body of a human = animatethe body of an animal = animatethe body of a legislature or a committee = animatethe body of a letter = inanimatethe body of a report = inanimatea dead body = inanimate
Dead load refers to the weight of the permanent structure and materials of a building, such as walls, floors, and the roof. Live load refers to the weight of temporary or movable objects that are added to the structure, such as people, furniture, and snow.
in a catholic belief, jesus is a human person and God
A ballistic galvanometer measures total charge passed through the coil while the deadbeat galvanometer indicates steady state current. Ballistic galvanometers are faster but less accurate due to damping, while deadbeat galvanometers have a faster response time and are more accurate for measuring constant currents.
130 pound weights would weigh more than a child weighing 130 pounds dead weight because the weights are objects with a fixed weight regardless of being lifted, whereas the weight of a child can fluctuate depending on factors like movement or position.
inanimate objects were never alive dead objects were once alive.
To be 'as dead as a donut' is to be utterly dead, devoid of life (when applied to people, plants or animals) or finished with, unusable (when applied to inanimate objects).
it means a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers
dead or inanimate
I wouldn't say so.
In some ways this is a trick question as many dead objects, such as road kill, are themselves full of bacteria and viruses and larvae, so the are far from dead. In this circumstance we use the term dead to indicate the loss of a certain level of consciousness through the death of a multicellular creatures coordination system. Living and dead is a concept, not a scientifically or logically provable state. The concept is that living objects are composed of nonliving matter and an organised living component. Dead objects are either past living objects or never have been alive, either way they are somehow missing the living component. The simplest component is a nonliving, or never have lived, item such as a hydrogen atom. This is a theoretical object, as we can not presently measure or even observe the difference between this item in a living and nonliving state. At present it has been measured that living complex microscopic structures utilize energy in a manner that can not be explained using the quantum or billiard ball style of physics modeling. The observed and measured energy production process within the mitochondria of all living cells is explicable only if we consider energy transfer as a wave or field. It is therefore proposed that we presently place the division between living and nonliving objects as "living objects utilize energy as a field to power their coordinated chemical and electrical activities". Nonliving objects or components can be brought into this field or taken out. If this was the model adopted one can quickly see that we are starting to consider the 'object' as a nonliving component under the control of a field. This is also unlikely as modern physics considers atoms to be part of (entangled with) this field. So we go full circle and perhaps have to conclude there is no such separation. That all things are, and always will be alive, but that the field is just more obviously, visually and energetically active in objects or structure we consider living.
Not dead or inanimate or something that has life. Example: the bullet was live, we were scared.
Dead, Deceased, Synthetic, Man-Made, Inanimate
A molecule is not a living thing. It is not a dead thing either, since to be dead it must first have been living. A molecule is an inanimate object or item.
fungi eats dead logs, or animals. plants make their own food
No, it is an inanimate object. It does not breath, it cannot move on its own, it does not respond to stimuli.