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Renewable energy sources are sustainable and replenishable, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. They produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions and have minimal environmental impact compared to fossil fuels. They provide a reliable source of energy and help reduce dependency on finite resources.

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Q: What are the characteristics of renewable energy sources?
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Is the energy source renewable?

Renewable energy sources are naturally replenished and can be sustained indefinitely, whereas non-renewable sources will eventually run out. Examples of renewable energy sources include solar, wind, and hydro power.

What does non renewable energy not include?

Non-renewable energy sources do not include solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. These sources are considered renewable because they can be naturally replenished in a relatively short period of time.

Is radiant a renewable energy?

No, radiant energy is a form of energy that is emitted from various sources, such as the sun or a light bulb. It is not a renewable energy source in itself, but the sources that emit radiant energy, like solar power, can be considered renewable.

How can be classify these sources of energy?

Sources of energy can be classified as renewable (such as solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass) or non-renewable (such as fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas). Renewable energy sources are replenished naturally and are more sustainable, while non-renewable energy sources are finite and contribute to environmental degradation. Additionally, energy sources can also be categorized as clean (low environmental impact) or dirty (high environmental impact).

What benefits does renewable energy have over non renewable energy sources?

Renewable energy sources are infinite and do not deplete the Earth's resources, unlike non-renewable sources like fossil fuels. Renewable energy also has lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment and helping combat climate change. Additionally, renewable energy technologies are becoming more cost-effective and can create jobs in local communities.

Related questions

Is electrical energy renewable or non renewable?

The most popular renewable energy sources currently are: Solar energy. Wind energy. Hydro energy. Tidal energy. Geothermal energy. Biomass energy.

Is the energy source renewable?

Renewable energy sources are naturally replenished and can be sustained indefinitely, whereas non-renewable sources will eventually run out. Examples of renewable energy sources include solar, wind, and hydro power.

What does non renewable energy not include?

Non-renewable energy sources do not include solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy. These sources are considered renewable because they can be naturally replenished in a relatively short period of time.

What is the difference between renewable energy and non renewable sources of energy?

renewable source of energy can be regenerated but non-renewable source of energy can not be regenerated.

If an energy source is nonrenewable?

some energy sources are non renewable but some are renewable

How are energy sources renewable?

Renewable energy resources are always there. We just need to harness them.

Is radiant a renewable energy?

No, radiant energy is a form of energy that is emitted from various sources, such as the sun or a light bulb. It is not a renewable energy source in itself, but the sources that emit radiant energy, like solar power, can be considered renewable.

Why are renewable energy sources needed?

Because if we use renewable sources, it's with us forever. fossil fuels and non-renewable sources will run out someday.

Is a wind turbine a renewable energy sources?

Yes, a wind turbine is a renewable energy source!!

Where do all renewable energy sources replace their energy?

Renewable energy sources replace their energy from natural processes such as sunlight, wind, water flow, and geothermal heat. These sources are endless and do not deplete over time, making them sustainable alternatives to traditional fossil fuels.

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Three renewable energy sources?
