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An advantage is humans do not have to waste anything to have the wind blow naturally. There is not pollution caused by it. Nothing is burned, no where is flooded, and it is relatively inexpensive.

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1mo ago

Wind energy is clean and renewable, producing no greenhouse gas emissions or pollution during operation. Wind farms have low operating costs once installed and can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, wind energy is abundant and widely available, making it a reliable source of electricity.

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Coal is a nonrenewable resource, meaning once you use it, it's gone for good. Wind is a renewable resource and plus you can never run out of wind.

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renewable resource

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A renewable resource is one which will be replaced after it is used. Wind energy is renewable because the wind will return tomorrow. Trees are renewable if you plant them again. So, fruit trees are a renewable resource.

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No they are not renewable resources

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Only the wind is a renewable energy resource.

Is wind a non-renewable resource?

Wind is renewable, it keeps on coming (with short intermissions)

What type of renewable resource is the sun's energy or the wind?

Perpetually renewable.