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Heace means to push, pull, or lift a heavy object with much effort. Heave also means to move up and down with higher and regular movements, vomit, utter with pain or effort, to swell or make rise.

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7mo ago
  1. To lift or haul with great effort.
  2. To rise and fall rhythmically, as in the heaving of a chest in breathing or of the sea in waves.
  3. To vomit.
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Is heave a noun?

Yes, the word 'heave' is both a noun and a verb. Examples:As a noun: With one heave, the box of holiday ornaments landed on the top shelf.As a verb: Just heave all the sticks in a pile at the curb.

Do cats get sick or heave when in labor?

Its common to get sick. Although its rare to heave, but it does happen.

How do I Pull a battery out of a car?

You say heave! ho! heave! ho! and pop there it is! out of the car :D

Why is heave equipment certification necessary?

Heave equipment certification necessary to prevent any defects in the products

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Heave Away My Johnny - 1949 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What words can you make with these letters hevecau?

Some words that can be made with this combination of letters are ave, have, heave, and cave. Some other words are a and ace.

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How do you fake dry heave?

You fake it.

Why do people say heave ho?

"Heave Ho" is an old nautical term still used by sailors when doing a job in unison. An example would be hoisting heavy barrels of supplies aboard ship by using block and tackle (pulleys and ropes). The sailors would pull, but needed to all pull at the same time. Thus, the bosun's mate would cry out "heave" and the crew would get ready, then "HO" as the signal for everybody to pull together. Why "HEAVE"? Because they would be "heaving" or pulling on the line. Why "HO"? Because it's the simplest sound to make that is clear, loud, forceful, and short. {Try it yourself... Say out loud: "Heave....GO!" or "Heave...LO!" or "Heave....NOW!" or "Heave... right-this-moment!" Understand? }

Does heave mean the same thing as stumble?

No, to heave means to throw something very hard, and to stumble means to trip or fall.