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When you push a cart, the main forces involved are your applied force in the direction you're pushing, the force of friction between the cart's wheels and the ground resisting movement, and the normal force exerted by the ground on the cart to support its weight. Additionally, there may be air resistance opposing the motion of the cart, depending on the speed and shape of the cart.

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Q: What are some forces involve if you pushing a cart?
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What are some of the examples of pushing forces?

A tug boat pushing a ship to direct it out from the port. A cart being pushed by a man. A footballer kicking a ball. Read more:

are push forces and pull forces equal?

No, push forces and pull forces are not necessarily equal. Push forces involve pushing an object away from the force, while pull forces involve pulling an object towards the force. The magnitude and direction of the forces depend on various factors, such as the strength of the force and the mass of the object.

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Yes, some forces are stronger than others. For example, the strong nuclear force is stronger than the electromagnetic force at short distances, while gravity is the weakest force in nature. Each force operates within specific ranges and strengths depending on the interaction involved.

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Examples of direct contact forces include pushing a chair, kicking a ball, and lifting a book. These actions involve physical contact between objects applying force on each other.

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It means that some force is pushing or pulling on an object.

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A footballer kicking a ball. A woman pushing the door open

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Some Forces do not involve physical contact between the bodies on which they act. -Jauan Williams 3182163642

What are some movies or TV shows that involve air traffic controllers?

A movie entitled "Pushing Tin". I have no idea who was in it or when it cam out.

Name some forces that act upon a moving object?

Some forces that can act upon a moving object include friction, air resistance, gravity, and applied forces like pushing or pulling. These forces can affect the speed, direction, and motion of the object.

What are some examples of direct forces?

Examples of direct forces include pushing a car to move it, pulling a door to open it, or kicking a ball to make it move. These forces directly act on an object to cause a change in its motion or state.

What are the names of some good shopping cart software applications?

Some of the best shopping cart software available on the market is Pinnacle Cart and 3D Cart. Other popular shopping cart packages are those offered by Volusion, CS-Cart, and X-Cart.

Do horses pull carraiges or push from the front?

A horse obviously cannot grasp a towing conveyance, so in order to move an object it needs the assistance of a horse harness. In the case of the harness, the horse pushes forward to move the cart, however basic physics define this as pulling the cart. Yes, the horse is pushing forward, but it is pushing the harness, NOT the cart. The cart is being PULLED by the harness with the horse providing the energy to move the cart. Some mistakenly believe this means the horse pushes the cart, but they are mistaken. With the weight of the cart (mass) being moved forward (force) from behind the energy source (horse), by definition the cart is being PULLED, regardless of the horse's type of energy exerted on the connecting harness.