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Angle of incidence and the different n values between the two substances. Snell's Law, Sin(theta 1)*N1 = Sin (theta 2) * N2

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The angle of refraction of a light ray can be affected by the refractive indices of the two media it is passing through, the angle of incidence of the light ray with the surface between the two media, and the wavelength of the light. Additionally, the surface characteristics of the interface between the two media can also play a role in determining the angle of refraction.

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Q: What are some factors that can affect the angle of refractoin of a light ray?
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What factors affect how light is refracted through a material?

The factors that affect how light is refracted through a material include the angle at which the light enters the material, the properties of the material such as its density and refractive index, and the wavelength of the light. These factors influence the speed of light in the material, which in turn affects the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.

What two factors affect how much light is refracted?

The two main factors that affect how much light is refracted are the angle at which the light ray enters the new medium (angle of incidence) and the difference in the refractive indices between the two mediums through which the light is passing. A larger angle of incidence or a greater difference in refractive indices will result in more refraction.

What four factors have an affect on absorbance of light?

The four factors that affect the absorbance of light are the concentration of the absorbing species, the path length of the sample, the molar absorptivity coefficient of the absorbing species, and the wavelength of the light being absorbed.

What factors affect the output of solar cells when light is shone on it?

The output of solar cells is affected by factors such as the intensity and angle of incident light, the efficiency of the solar cell material in converting light to electricity, the temperature of the solar cell, and shading or obstructions that may block light from reaching the cell. Variations in any of these factors can impact the overall output of the solar cell.

What happens to the reflected of light when the screen is tilted light.?

When a screen is tilted, the angle of reflection of light also changes. The angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of incidence measured from the normal line. Tilting the screen can affect the direction in which the reflected light is seen by an observer.

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How does the angle of light affect the temperature of a surface?

What factors affect how light is refracted through a material?

The factors that affect how light is refracted through a material include the angle at which the light enters the material, the properties of the material such as its density and refractive index, and the wavelength of the light. These factors influence the speed of light in the material, which in turn affects the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.

What two factors affect how much light is refracted?

The two main factors that affect how much light is refracted are the angle at which the light ray enters the new medium (angle of incidence) and the difference in the refractive indices between the two mediums through which the light is passing. A larger angle of incidence or a greater difference in refractive indices will result in more refraction.

What four factors have an affect on absorbance of light?

The four factors that affect the absorbance of light are the concentration of the absorbing species, the path length of the sample, the molar absorptivity coefficient of the absorbing species, and the wavelength of the light being absorbed.

What factors affect the output of solar cells when light is shone on it?

The output of solar cells is affected by factors such as the intensity and angle of incident light, the efficiency of the solar cell material in converting light to electricity, the temperature of the solar cell, and shading or obstructions that may block light from reaching the cell. Variations in any of these factors can impact the overall output of the solar cell.

How will the angle of light affect how much the piece of wood is heated?

The nagle of light determines the area over which the energy of the light is spread out and that will affect how much it is heated.

What are the physical factors of the environment affect living organism?

The physical factors which affect the environment are temperature,humidity,intensity of radiation of light &light..these are physical factors as they are about the mechanics..

What happens to the reflected of light when the screen is tilted light.?

When a screen is tilted, the angle of reflection of light also changes. The angle of reflection will be equal to the angle of incidence measured from the normal line. Tilting the screen can affect the direction in which the reflected light is seen by an observer.

What are some factors that would affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell?

Factors that affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell include sunlight intensity, angle of sunlight hitting the cell, temperature, shading, and the quality of the materials used in the cell. These factors can influence the amount of electrical energy produced by the solar cell.

What scientific question can you ask about light and shadows?

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What is the independent variable in the question how does the angle of light affect the temperature of the surface?

The independent variable in this question is the angle of light. It is the variable that is being changed or manipulated to observe its effect on the temperature of the surface.

What are the three factors that affect photosynthsis?

Temperature Light Intensity Water