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Electromagnetic waves ARE radiation.

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Some examples of radiation giving off electromagnetic waves include X-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, and radio waves. Each of these types of radiation falls within a specific range of the electromagnetic spectrum, with varying wavelengths and energy levels.

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The transfer of energy as waves moving through space is called?


What are Microwaves infrared waves and gamma rays are all examples of?

Electromagnetic radiation.

What are examples of electromagnetic radiation?

Examples of electromagnetic radiation include: Ultra-violet radiation red light Infra-red radiation blue light radar waves X-rays Television signals GPS signals green light cell-phone signals Microwaves AM radio waves Gamma rays 3G and 4G data links FM radio waves

What are three examples of electromagnetic radiation?

Three examples of electromagnetic radiation are visible light, radio waves, and X-rays.

The energy produced by electromagnetic waves is called?

The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic radiation. Light, radio waves and X-rays are a few other examples of this radiation phenomenon. The Transfer process is the "flow" of particles from one location to another. The best visual example is the transfer of "heat" from one source to another.

How are electromagnetic waves transfered?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

Is visible light a form of electromagnetic radiation?

Yes, visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. It falls within the electromagnetic spectrum between ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

How are waves transferred?

Electromagnetic waves are transferred by electromagnetic radiation.

What is transferred by electromagnet waves?

Electromagnetic radiation is transferred by electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic radiation is a fundamental phenomenon of electromagnetism.

What is made up of electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation is made up of electric and magnetic fields oscillating together in the form of waves. These waves can vary in frequency and wavelength, giving rise to different types of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

What is the transfer of energy by electromagnetive waves called?

The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves is called radiation. Electromagnetic radiation includes a wide range of wavelengths, from gamma rays to radio waves, and travels through space at the speed of light. This form of energy transfer does not require a medium and can propagate through vacuum.

What term is energy emitted as electromagnetic waves?

The term for energy emitted as electromagnetic waves is radiation.