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An absorption spectrum shows dark lines at specific wavelengths where light has been absorbed by a substance. A continuous spectrum shows all colors/wavelengths with no gaps, like the rainbow. The main difference is that the absorption spectrum has specific dark lines while the continuous spectrum is smooth and uninterrupted.

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Q: What are some comparisons with a absorption spectrum and a continuous spectrum?
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Why in an absorption spectrum the back ground is bright and the lines are dark?

In an absorption spectrum, the bright background is caused by the continuous spectrum of light emitted by the source. The dark lines are absorption lines, where specific wavelengths of light are absorbed by the elements in the sample. These dark lines represent the energy levels at which the atoms absorb light, causing a decrease in intensity at those specific wavelengths.

Why is the spectrum from daylight or fluorescent light called continuous?

The spectrum from daylight or fluorescent light is called continuous because it contains a smooth and uninterrupted range of colors across the visible light spectrum. This means that all wavelengths within the visible light range are present without gaps or missing portions, unlike the discrete lines seen in some other types of lighting spectra.

What is the difference between a continuous spectrum an a line spectrum?

A continuous spectrum contains an unbroken range of wavelengths, such as the colors of a rainbow. A line spectrum consists of discrete, individual lines at specific wavelengths, typically seen when elements emit light at specific energies.

Why dark line appears in absorption spectrum?

Dark lines in an absorption spectrum are caused by material existing between the source of light and the observation point. This material can absorb light from the source at specific energies corresponding to the excitation energies of the molecules, atoms, or ions making up the material.

Why do some objects appear brown?

Objects appear brown when they absorb most colors from the visible spectrum and reflect a combination of red, orange, and yellow wavelengths, which together appear as brown to our eyes. This absorption and reflection pattern is determined by the object's material composition and surface structure.

Related questions

What type of spectrum do we see from the sun?

We see a continuous spectrum from the sun, which contains all wavelengths of light. This is because the sun emits light across a wide range of wavelengths due to its high temperature.

What Is The Absorption Spectrum Of boron?

The absorption spectrum of boron typically shows strong absorption in the ultraviolet region, with some absorption in the visible spectrum as well. Boron's absorption spectrum is characterized by a series of sharp peaks due to transitions between energy levels in its atomic structure.

Why does in line spectrum there is spaces between spectrum whereas in continuous it is not so?

In case of continuous spectrum we have all sorts of frequencies. This ensures that probability of transfer of electrons at various energy levels are equally available. But in case of line spectrum it is some how a characteristic which is restrained with the transfer of electrons in specified energy levels.

Why in an absorption spectrum the back ground is bright and the lines are dark?

In an absorption spectrum, the bright background is caused by the continuous spectrum of light emitted by the source. The dark lines are absorption lines, where specific wavelengths of light are absorbed by the elements in the sample. These dark lines represent the energy levels at which the atoms absorb light, causing a decrease in intensity at those specific wavelengths.

Does a star's spectrum show all of its elements?

The spectrum shows:the "blackbody radiation - a continuous spectrum that is related to the temperature of the surface of the starlines that are related to levels of energy that electrons jump, releasing photons, and"dark" lines which show energy levels of electrons belonging to elements in the atmosphere or the intervening space which block some radiation

Figure 10.1 shows the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a and the action spectrum for photosynthesis Why are they different?

The absorption spectrum shows which wave lengths are absorbed in each individual type of chlorophyll. The action spectrum shows which wavelengths of light are most effective for photosynthesis.

Why is the spectrum from daylight or fluorescent light called continuous?

The spectrum from daylight or fluorescent light is called continuous because it contains a smooth and uninterrupted range of colors across the visible light spectrum. This means that all wavelengths within the visible light range are present without gaps or missing portions, unlike the discrete lines seen in some other types of lighting spectra.

What kind of graph shows comparisons?

Every graph shows comparisons of some kind or another.

If the electron in a hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics would it emit a continuous spectrum or a line spectrum?

If the electron in a hydrogen atom obeyed classical mechanics instead of quantum mechanics, it would emit a continuous spectrum. This is because classical mechanics does not quantize energy levels like quantum mechanics does, leading to a continuous range of energy levels and thus a continuous spectrum when the electron transitions between them.

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Is manufacturing a discrete or continuous?

Some manufacturing is discrete, some continuous.

What is the difference between a continuous spectrum an a line spectrum?

A continuous spectrum contains an unbroken range of wavelengths, such as the colors of a rainbow. A line spectrum consists of discrete, individual lines at specific wavelengths, typically seen when elements emit light at specific energies.