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Forces: Sociologist, Politician, Geologist

Friction: Marriage Counselor, Labor Mediator, Civil Court Judge

Magnetism: Hairdresser/Beauty Operator, Marriage Broker, Acting Coach

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Some career jobs that deal with forces, friction or magnetism include mechanical engineers, material scientists, physicists, and industrial designers. In these roles, professionals may work on designing products, conducting research, or troubleshooting issues related to forces, friction, or magnetism.

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What are two major forces that bridges deal with?

Two major forces that bridges deal with are compression and tension. Compression forces act to push or squeeze the material together, while tension forces act to pull the material apart. Bridges are designed to distribute these forces to ensure the structure can support the weight it carries.

What careers deal with force motion and friction?

Some careers that deal with force, motion, and friction include mechanical engineers, physicists, and automotive engineers. These professionals work to understand and apply these concepts in various industries such as manufacturing, research and development, and transportation.

Do you need constant force to produce constant speed?

No, constant force is not always needed to produce constant speed. If there is no friction or external resistance, an object in motion will continue moving at a constant speed due to its inertia. Once the force causing the motion stops, the object will continue moving at a constant speed.

Why do you eventually stop when going down a hill on a bike?

When going downhill on a bike, you eventually stop pedaling because the gravitational force pulls you down the hill, and you pick up speed. At a certain point, air resistance and friction from the ground balance out the pull of gravity, causing you to reach a maximum speed. At this point, continuing to pedal doesn't significantly increase your speed, so you stop.

What is Difference between kinematic and dynamic quantity?

Kinematic quantities describe motion without considering the forces causing it, such as speed and acceleration. Dynamic quantities, on the other hand, involve forces and their effects on motion, such as force, momentum, and energy. Essentially, kinematic quantities focus on describing motion, while dynamic quantities involve the forces that cause that motion.

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What are two major forces that bridges deal with?

Two major forces that bridges deal with are compression and tension. Compression forces act to push or squeeze the material together, while tension forces act to pull the material apart. Bridges are designed to distribute these forces to ensure the structure can support the weight it carries.

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What careers deal with force motion and friction?

Some careers that deal with force, motion, and friction include mechanical engineers, physicists, and automotive engineers. These professionals work to understand and apply these concepts in various industries such as manufacturing, research and development, and transportation.

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A good career to deal with children with autism is a special education teacher. Nutritionist is another career that may work with autistic children.

What are 2 common forces that humans have to deal with everyday?

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What is the career of the element neon?

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In Native American societies in North America the role of the shaman is to?

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Is there any career paths that do not deal with social interaction?

If you're not in to social interaction, try a career that is geared toward medical, bio-medical, chemistry, or physics research.

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