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Fundamental freedoms are essential rights that individuals possess, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, which are protected by law. Fundamental responsibilities are the duties and obligations that individuals have towards society, such as following laws, respecting the rights of others, and actively participating in democratic processes.

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Q: What are fundamental freedoms and fundamental responsibilities?
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Is charge a fundamental unit or a derived unit?

Charge is a fundamental physical quantity. It is a fundamental property of matter, with the unit of charge measured in coulombs.

What is the difference between fundamental and non fundamental force?

Fundamental forces are the four fundamental interactions in nature (gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force) that govern particle interactions at a fundamental level. Non-fundamental forces are derived from these fundamental forces, such as friction or tension, that arise from interactions at a macroscopic level.

What are 10 fundamental duties?

Upholding the law and following regulations. Respecting the rights and freedoms of others. Contributing to the welfare of the community. Participating in the democratic process. Protecting the environment. Respecting diversity and promoting equality. Providing for oneself and family. Promoting harmony. Honoring the country's symbols and values. Preserving the country's heritage and culture.

What is the realstionship between a fundamental note and it and overtones?

The fundamental note is the lowest frequency produced by a vibrating object. Overtones are higher frequency components that accompany the fundamental note, adding richness and complexity to the sound. The relationship between the fundamental note and its overtones is that the overtones are integer multiples of the frequency of the fundamental note.

Is there any fundamental particle inside an electron?

No, there are no fundamental particles inside an electron. An electron is considered a fundamental particle and is not composed of smaller particles according to the Standard Model of particle physics.

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What are the four fundamental freedoms stated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

me & god

What is a list of fundamental right?

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What is true about civil responsibilities A citizens have rights but no responsibilities B citizens have freedoms but no responsibilities C responsibility to the group limits personal freedoms?

personal freedom is limited by responsibility to the group

What amendment guarentees the fundamental freedoms that you have?

The first amendment

What is in the charter?

in the charter of rights and freedoms there is sections of rights and fundamental freedoms. each one of them explains the right you have or the freedom you definitely have.

What is the ultimate concern of the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms?

To describe Canadian fundamental freedoms and the governments ability to subject them to laws.

What holds that first amendment freedoms are more fundamental than other freedoms?

preferred position doctrine

How many kinds of freedom does Canada have?

Canada and the US have the same fundamental rights and freedoms. There are 31 rights and freedoms listed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and they encompass many different interpretations.

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Where is the fundamental rights of the citizens?

Dignity Solidarity Equality Freedoms Justice Citizen's rights