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Four types of energy that might make up the internal energy of a substance are kinetic energy (due to movement of particles), potential energy (due to positions of particles in a field), chemical energy (due to chemical bonds), and thermal energy (due to temperature of the substance).

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Q: What are four types of energy that might make up the internal energy of a substance?
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What are four types of energy that make up internal energy?

The four types of energy that make up internal energy are kinetic energy, potential energy, chemical energy, and nuclear energy. These different forms of energy contribute to the overall internal energy of a system.

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The three types of internal energy are translational energy (associated with the movement of particles), rotational energy (associated with the rotation of particles), and vibrational energy (associated with the vibrations of particles within a molecule).

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Mass is not a variable of potential chemical energy. Potential chemical energy depends on the types and arrangement of atoms in a substance, not on the mass of the substance.

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The amount of chemical energy a substance has is determined by the types and arrangement of atoms and molecules in that substance. The energy is stored within the chemical bonds between these atoms and molecules. The strength of these bonds and the potential energy stored in them determine the amount of chemical energy.

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The internal energy of a system includes kinetic energy (from the movement of particles), potential energy (from intermolecular forces), and thermal energy (from the temperature of the system).

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Sensible Energy, Latent Energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, mechanical energy, internal energy, and a LOT more. Well, these arent the BEST types of energy but.. yeah...

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Well, thermodynamics is the science that studies this. According to the the first law of thermodynamics, all energy in all forms are conserved. The main types of energy we consider is kinetic, potential and internal energy. You may not be familar with Internal energy but it is another form of energy that we lump the energy of chemical bonds and kinetic and potential energies (ON THE MOLECULAR LEVEL) into it. Internal energy is proportional to the temperature of the object.

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