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  • The waste is hazardous and difficult to store.
  • There is some potential danger in operating a nuclear power plant (cf. Chernobyl and Three Mile Island), but the principal disadvantage is the need to safely store the spent fuel for tens of thousands of years.
  • With proper regulation, safety features, and common sense pretty much none. When you test a poorly designed reactor, lets say a light water graphite moderated reactor also know as an RBMK reactor (Chernobyl) under low power low coolant conditions with al of the safety features turned off things can happen. When you ignore what the computers when they say to shut down the reactor and keep it running (Three mile island) things happen. But if you need disadvantages:
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Higher level waste can be reprocessed into Plutonium either through the use of a reprocessing facility or can be prevent from being made by using a breeder reactor where the higher level waste is not made and enriched Plutonium is made instead.
  • Proliferation of fissionable materials
  • The problem with breeder reactors is also the reason why they are good.They produce more fuel but they produce more fuel this highly enriched fuel can be used to make nuclear weapons, dirty bombs, or be used in a nuclear reactor to make energy.
  • There is a large safety risk, from accidents and from terrorists stealing the fuel/byproducts to make weapons of mass destruction, nuclear power plants cost a lot to start, the nuclear fuel is non renewable and there is only enough to last approx 70 years.
  • Nuclear fuel is in fact renewable in so-called "breeder" plants. France uses them, though there are none in the US.
  • Nuclear plants are quite expensive to build, but so are coal-powered plants of equivalent capacity. Several companies are working on low-capacity plants... enough to power a neighborhood or a small village... that would be much cheaper.
  • One disadvantage not mentioned above is the problem of disposing of spent... but still radioactive... fuel.
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Tiara Lebsack

Lvl 13
2y ago
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1mo ago

Disadvantages of nuclear energy include high cost of building and maintaining nuclear power plants, concerns about nuclear accidents and radiation leaks, challenges with radioactive waste disposal, and potential for nuclear proliferation for weapons development. Additionally, the public perception of nuclear energy is often negative due to historical incidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima.

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Adavntages and disadvantages for nuclear energy?

Advantages of nuclear energy include its low greenhouse gas emissions, high energy density, and ability to generate large amounts of electricity consistently. Disadvantages include the risks of accidents and radioactive waste disposal, high initial construction costs, and concerns over nuclear proliferation.

What are the disadvantages of building nuclear weapons and plants?

Well their are no disadvantages to nuclear plants, if your using them for nuclear power, as nuclear power is the safest type of energy in modern times. However disadvantages of nuclear weapons include well the ending of the planet, the possibility of it being stolen by terrorists or even it being spied on for another nation so it can create nuclear weapons.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of nuclear energy?

I think so, but others disagree. It is a controversial issue.

Nuclear energy is a useful source of power but has its disadvantages what is a disadvantage of nuclear energy?

A disadvantage of nuclear energy is the potential environmental risks associated with accidents, such as radioactive contamination from a meltdown or leak. Such incidents can have long-lasting effects on the surrounding area and population.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of nuclear reactors?

ADVANTAGES 1. releases large amounts of energy from small amounts of mass 2. very efficient 3. fuel lasts a long time 4. convert nuclear energy into thermal energy DISADVANTAGES 1. they are very expensive 2. they are hard to keep up 3. the waste is hard to get rid of

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using uranium as a fuel?

Advantages of uranium as a fuel include high energy density, which means it can produce a large amount of energy from a small amount of material. It is also a reliable and proven technology for generating electricity. However, disadvantages include the risk of nuclear accidents, the generation of radioactive waste, and the potential for nuclear proliferation.

Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power in India?

Advantages of nuclear power in India include low carbon emissions, large energy generation capacity, and reduced dependence on fossil fuels. Disadvantages include high initial investment costs, long construction timelines, and concerns about safety and waste disposal.

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Nuclear fusion produces nuclear energy

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The energy released is nuclear energy.

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Nuclear fission is a type of nuclear reaction that converts nuclear energy into thermal energy (heat), which can then be used to generate mechanical energy (such as electricity). So, fission nuclear energy originates as nuclear energy and can be converted into mechanical energy.