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A black light will show fluorescent substances that emit visible light when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. This includes items like highlighters, certain fabrics, some minerals, and bodily fluids (such as urine). It will not reveal all substances, but only those with fluorescent properties.

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Does vaginal fluid glow under a black light or is it only semen?

Black light shows anything containing protein. Even the watery stuff in potatos can "show up" under a blacklight.

Can white reflect black or does black absorb white?

White reflects light, including all colors, while black absorbs light, including all colors. This means that white does not reflect black, but rather all colors, and black absorbs light, even white light.

Color of an object that absorbs all light?

An object that absorbs all light appears black. It absorbs all wavelengths of light and does not reflect any, resulting in the perception of black color.

What color is an object that absorbs all light?

An object that absorbs all light appears black, as it does not reflect any light to our eyes.

What color is an object the absorbs light of all wavelengths?

An object that absorbs light of all wavelengths appears black because it is not reflecting any light back to our eyes.

Is black made of all colors?

No, black is the absence of color. When all colors are combined, they create white light, and the absence of light results in black.

What do you know about the clors white and black as they relate to light?

White light is a combination of all visible colors, while black is the absence of light. When all colors of light are combined, they create white, but when no light is present, we see black. This concept is fundamental in understanding the nature of color and light.

Why does black look black?

it absorbs all light frequencies

How All light?

a prism show that

Is black or white the absence of color?

Black is the absence of color, while white is the presence of all colors. When all colors are combined, they create white light.

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it absorbs all the colours of light?

If an object absorbs all colors of light and reflects none, it will appear black under white light. This is because black is the absence of any reflected light.

Why aren't black and white colours?

Black is the absence of color, while white is the presence of all colors combined. In terms of light, black is the absence of light, and white is a combination of all wavelengths of light. Therefore, black and white are not considered colors in the traditional sense but rather shades and tones.