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Yazmin Sawayn

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2y ago
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3mo ago

Strong winds can cause damage to buildings, trees, and power lines, leading to power outages and property destruction. They can also create dangerous conditions for outdoor activities such as boating, hiking, and driving, increasing the risk of accidents. Additionally, high winds can exacerbate wildfires by spreading the flames quickly across dry vegetation.

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13y ago

heavy wind make a big loss...they can through houses and smtimes blow u also...a ig tornado is also a wind which can cause a great destruction..

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10y ago

Strong winds can cause damage to homes, trees, structures, cars and vehicles, bridges, ships and boats, ... etc

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Q: What ar the harmful effects of the wind?
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What are the negative effects of using wind energy?

Some negative effects of using wind energy include potential harm to wildlife, including birds and bats, from collisions with wind turbine blades, noise pollution for nearby residents, and visual impact on landscapes. Additionally, there may be concerns about the manufacturing and disposal of wind turbine components impacting the environment.

What does wind look like?

Wind itself is invisible, so it cannot be seen. However, we can see the effects of wind, such as movement of objects like leaves, branches, or clouds. Additionally, dust or debris carried by the wind may also be visible.

How can radiation be harmful to humans?

Radiation can be harmful to humans by damaging cells and DNA, leading to potential health effects such as cancer or radiation sickness. Different types of radiation, such as ionizing radiation, have varying levels of harmful effects depending on factors like dose and duration of exposure. Protection measures, such as shielding and monitoring exposure levels, are important to minimize health risks from radiation.

What are some negative effects of wind machines?

Some negative effects of wind machines include noise pollution that can disturb surrounding communities, visual impact on the landscape, and potential harm to wildlife such as birds and bats if they collide with the rotating blades.

What are the negative effects of wind power?

Some negative effects of wind power include noise pollution from turbine blades, impact on wildlife such as birds and bats through collisions, and visual disturbance in natural landscapes. Additionally, there can be concerns about the proper disposal of materials from decommissioned wind turbines.

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Does wind turbines have any harmful effects on wildlife?


Why do you use wind to make energy?

cuz its renewable.. it does not run out.. and it does not have any harmful effects on the earth

What are three harmful effects of the wind?

Wind can cause soil erosion. Wind can also cause property and structural damage. Wind disperses non-native plant seeds that can become invasive.

Harmful effects of wind?

High gusts of wind can cause great destruction they can destroy your house or shelter, and blow debris which can cause harm to you or your animals.

Sentence with solar wind in it?

The Earth's magnetic field helps protect our planet from the harmful effects of the solar wind, a constant stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun.

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im glenna mari and i answer the harmful effects of tropica cyclone..... 1.heavy rain 2.strong wind 3.tornadoes fall 5.large storm surge

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harmful effects of coelenterates

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what harmful effects???????

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The harmful effects of CARS to our environment is the carbon monoxide

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some harmful effects of protozoans is... i don't know you tell me please? :(

According to medical science what are the harmful effects of homosexuality?

There are no harmful effects of homosexuality that can be scientifically demonstrated.