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The rate of return for a security is determined by factors such as interest rates, overall market conditions, company performance, economic indicators, and investor sentiment. Changes in these factors can affect the return on an investment in a security.

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Q: What Factors determine Rate of return for any security?
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What factors determine the rate at which images are download?

The factors that determine the rate at which images are downloaded include internet speed, server load, cache settings, file size of the image, and network congestion. Faster internet speeds and optimized servers can help images download more quickly.

Two factors that determine force of impact?

The two factors that determine the force of impact are the mass of the object and the velocity at which it is moving. A greater mass or a higher velocity will result in a stronger force of impact.

What are the two major factors that determine market nominal risk free rate?

The two major factors that determine the market nominal risk free rate are the current monetary policy set by the central bank and the overall economic conditions such as inflation and economic growth. Both factors play a significant role in influencing interest rates in the market.

What two factors determine whether or not a resource is being used sustainably?

Two key factors to determine if a resource is being used sustainably are the rate of consumption - ensuring it does not exceed the rate at which the resource can naturally regenerate, and the impact of extraction or use on the environment and other species within the ecosystem. Balancing these factors is essential for long-term resource sustainability.

What are the factors that determine the amount of induced current?

The factors that determine the amount of induced current in a coil include the rate of change of magnetic flux through the coil, the number of turns in the coil, and the resistance of the coil. Faraday's law states that the induced electromotive force (emf) is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux.

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