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As electric charges pass through batteries, they gain energy from the chemical reactions happening inside the battery. This stored energy can then be used to power devices connected to the battery, such as electronic gadgets or vehicles.

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Q: What Charges gives as they pass through batteries?
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How do charges exert forces on other charges?

ughm i think because when u pass a balloon on your head it make your hair move with it also.

Can electricity pass through the atmosphere of earth?

Yes, electricity can pass through the Earth's atmosphere, as lightning is a natural phenomenon that demonstrates this. Lightning occurs when electrical charges build up in clouds and then discharge through the atmosphere, creating a visible bolt of electricity between clouds or from clouds to the ground.

Can electric current pass through iron oxide?

Iron oxide is a poor conductor of electricity, so electric current does not typically pass through it easily. Iron oxide is considered to be an insulator, which means it does not facilitate the flow of electric charges in the same way that conductive materials, like metals, do.

What is a property that describes if heat or electrical charges pass through materials easily?

The property that describes how easily heat or electrical charges pass through materials is called conductivity. Materials that conduct heat or electricity well are termed as good conductors, while those that do not conduct well are known as insulators. Metals are typically good conductors of both heat and electricity, due to the presence of free electrons that allow for easy flow.

What allows an electric charge to pass through it easily?

A material that allows electric charges to pass through it easily is called a conductor. Conductors have mobile electrons that can move freely in response to an electric field, allowing the flow of current. Materials like metals are good conductors of electricity.

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What are substances that allow electrical charges to pass through them?


Liquid substance which allows electri charges to pass through?

An electrolite

Which material allows heat light sound or electrical charges pass through?

A conductor.

Materials that do not allow electrical charges to pass through it easily are called?

Those are called insulators.

Materials that allow the charges of an electric current to move freely through them are called what?

A materiel that allows an electric charge to pass through it is an conducter (copper, for example)

What is current elctricity?

current electricity is the flow of charge is called the current and it is the rate at which electric charges pass through a conducter

Materials that allow electrical charges to pass through them without electrical resistance and without loss of energy are called?


How do charges exert forces on other charges?

ughm i think because when u pass a balloon on your head it make your hair move with it also.

Can electric charges pass through a plastic bottle that is full of water with a plastic cap?

No. The plastic would keep the electric charge

Does electric charges travel only through wire?

No, electric charges can travel through various materials, not just wires. For example, electrical charges can travel through conductive materials such as metals or through the movement of ions in electrolytes. Wireless transmission of electricity is also possible through methods like electromagnetic induction.

Can electricity pass through the atmosphere of earth?

Yes, electricity can pass through the Earth's atmosphere, as lightning is a natural phenomenon that demonstrates this. Lightning occurs when electrical charges build up in clouds and then discharge through the atmosphere, creating a visible bolt of electricity between clouds or from clouds to the ground.

What is a material that readily allows electric charges to pass through it?

Copper is very good conductor of electric charge. That is why it is invariably used in the electric motors.