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  1. Basal metabolic rate: The energy required for basic bodily functions such as breathing, circulation, and cell production.
  2. Physical activity level: The more active a person is, the more energy they require to fuel their movements.
  3. Age and gender: Men generally require more energy than women, and energy needs decrease with age due to changes in muscle mass and activity level.
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Q: What 3 factors that affect how much energy a person needs?
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What are some factors that would affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell?

Factors that affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell include sunlight intensity, angle of sunlight hitting the cell, temperature, shading, and the quality of the materials used in the cell. These factors can influence the amount of electrical energy produced by the solar cell.

What do you call a person who designs an energy system?

A person who designs an energy system is typically called an energy engineer or energy system designer. They are responsible for planning, analyzing, and implementing energy systems to meet specific needs and requirements.

Why do some people have different energy needs?

People have different energy needs based on factors such as age, weight, muscle mass, activity level, metabolism, and overall health. This variance in energy requirements is influenced by individual differences in basal metabolic rate and the amount of energy expended through physical activity and daily living. Genetics also play a role in determining energy needs.

What factors affect energy balance?

Energy balance is influenced by a combination of factors including diet, physical activity levels, metabolism, genetics, and hormonal regulation. Consuming more calories than your body needs leads to energy surplus and weight gain, while consuming fewer calories than needed leads to a deficit and weight loss. Regular physical activity helps regulate energy balance by burning calories and increasing metabolic rate. Hormones like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin also play a role in controlling appetite and energy expenditure.

The amount of energy the body needs is affected by?

The amount of energy the body needs is primarily affected by factors such as basal metabolic rate, physical activity level, age, gender, and body composition. Other factors like genetics, hormonal balance, and environmental conditions can also play a role in influencing the body's energy requirements.

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Quite simply, because there are some differences between men and women.

Whar factors influence nonbasal energy needs?

Basal Energy expenditure is the amount of energy needed by the body for maintenance of life when a person is at complete digestive, physical, mental, thermal, and emotional rest. The factors that influence non basal energy needs are lean body mass, growth periods, body temperature, and hormonal status.

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How does a person's level of physical activity affect his or her daily energy needs?

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Which factors affect a populations growth regardless of the population size?

The basic needs like food, shelter are some of the factors that affect the population's growth regardless of the size.

What are some factors that would affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell?

Factors that affect the electrical production of a photovoltaic cell include sunlight intensity, angle of sunlight hitting the cell, temperature, shading, and the quality of the materials used in the cell. These factors can influence the amount of electrical energy produced by the solar cell.

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