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A force is a push or pull that can cause an object to move, stop, or change speed or direction.

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

A force can push or pull an object to restrict its motion. For example, friction can act as a force that opposes the motion of an object, effectively caging its movement by creating resistance. Additionally, a physical barrier like a wall or fence can physically prevent an object from moving further.

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Q: What push or pull that can cage an objects motion.?
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What Can change an objects motion?

forces like push and pull

A push or a pull that can change an objects motion?

It is a force or applied force.

What force allows objects to keep on doing what they are already doing. 6. A push or a pull A push or a pull?

Inertia is the force that allows objects to keep doing what they are already doing. It is the tendency of objects to resist changes in their motion.

What is a push or pull on an object that causes change of motion?

A force is a push or pull on an object that can cause a change in its motion or shape. It is measured in units called newtons and can be exerted by objects or fields, such as gravity or magnetism.

What is the force that opposes the motion of objects that touch as they move pass each other?

Force of push or pull

Is push and pull motion or friction?

Push and pull are types of motion rather than forms of friction. Friction is the resistance encountered when two objects move against each other. Push involves applying force to move an object away, while pull involves applying force to move an object towards oneself.

What is push or pull that makes an object move or puts it into motion?

A push or pull that acts on an object is a force.

Can motion may be defined as any push or pull?

Motion is the act of changing position or location in space. A push or pull can cause an object to move, but not all motion is the result of a push or pull - for example, planets moving in their orbits.

When your squazzing a sponge dry is it a push or pull?

When squazzing a sponge dry, it involves both a push and pull motion. The push motion is squeezing the water out of the sponge, while the pull motion is drawing the excess water into the sponge itself.

Motion may be defined as any push or pull.?

Motion can be described as the change in position of an object over time in response to a push or pull. It can involve the displacement of an object from one point to another or changes in its orientation or speed. Understanding motion is fundamental in physics and helps us describe and predict the behavior of objects in the physical world.

What is energy causing a push or a pull?

Energy causing a push or a pull is typically referred to as mechanical energy. This can be in the form of potential energy (stored energy) or kinetic energy (energy of motion) that can result in physical forces that push or pull objects.

How do balanced and unbalanced forces compare?

unbalanced same balanced doesn't = 0 push or pull netforce = 0 change an have direction doesn't change motion objects motion