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Those would be transverse waves!

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Transverse waves.

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Q: Waves in which the particles vibrate in an up-and down motion are called?
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In which type of waves to the particles in the medium vibrate in the same direction the wave is moving?

Transverse waves have particles that vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave's motion. Longitudinal waves have particles that vibrate in the same direction that the wave is moving.

Wave motion in which particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave is called?

The wave motion where particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave is called a longitudinal wave. This type of wave is characterized by compressions and rarefactions in the medium through which the wave propagates. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves.

Which causes the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the waves motion?

Longitudinal waves cause the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave's motion. This means that the particles of the medium move back and forth parallel to the direction of the wave. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves, as they propagate through air by causing the air particles to compress and rarefy in the direction of the wave.

Which causes the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave motion?

Longitudinal waves cause the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave motion. This means that the particles of the medium move back and forth in the same direction that the wave is traveling. Examples of longitudinal waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

do particles vibrate in the direction of wave motion in transverse waves?

In a transverse wave the particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (at right angles). In a longitudinal wave the particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

Related questions

In which type of waves to the particles in the medium vibrate in the same direction the wave is moving?

Transverse waves have particles that vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave's motion. Longitudinal waves have particles that vibrate in the same direction that the wave is moving.

What is wave in which particles in the medium vibrate in an up an and down motion?

transverse waves

Wave motion in which particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave is called?

The wave motion where particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave is called a longitudinal wave. This type of wave is characterized by compressions and rarefactions in the medium through which the wave propagates. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves.

Which causes the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the waves motion?

Longitudinal waves cause the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave's motion. This means that the particles of the medium move back and forth parallel to the direction of the wave. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves, as they propagate through air by causing the air particles to compress and rarefy in the direction of the wave.

Which causes the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave motion?

Longitudinal waves cause the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave motion. This means that the particles of the medium move back and forth in the same direction that the wave is traveling. Examples of longitudinal waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

do particles vibrate in the direction of wave motion in transverse waves?

In a transverse wave the particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (at right angles). In a longitudinal wave the particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

What is the wave motion in which particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave travels called?

Longitudinal wave. (as opposed to Transverse waves, where the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of movement.)

Which waves causes the medium to vibrate only in a directions parallel to the wave motion?

Transverse waves cause the medium to vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the wave motion. Longitudinal waves, on the other hand, cause the medium to vibrate in a direction parallel to the wave motion.

What ways that cause the particles of the medium to vibrate parallel to the direction the waves travel?

Longitudinal waves cause particles of the medium to vibrate parallel to the direction the waves travel. In these waves, compressions (areas of high pressure) and rarefactions (areas of low pressure) move in the same direction as the wave propagation, causing the particles to oscillate back and forth in the direction of wave motion. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves.

In which type of waves do the particles in a medium vibrate in the same direction the wave is moving?

Longitudinal waves are the type of waves in which the particles in a medium vibrate in the same direction as the wave is moving. This means that the oscillation of the particles is parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

A wave in which the motion of the material is perpendicular to the motion of the wave is?

Transverse wave. In a transverse wave, the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. This type of wave is commonly seen in electromagnetic waves and in water waves.

What are longitudenal waves?

They are Waves that vibrate particles back and forth like this :::::: : : : : : : ::::::: : : : : :::::::: : : : : :::::::: : : : : ::::::: The ones close together are called compression the ones further apart are called rarefaction.