The abbreviation for micrometers is "Ξm".
The abbreviation for deceleration is decel. Another common abbreviation for deceleration is dec. There is not a standard abbreviation in place for deceleration.
The abbreviation for kilogram is kg.
The abbreviation for milliseconds is "ms."
The abbreviation for newtons is N.
the abbreviation is m
the abbreviation is m
The abbreviation for cubic meter is m3.
The abbreviation is m
The abbreviation is m. The word lineal or linear is redundant.
RU and UK are Italian equivalents of the English abbreviation "U.K."Specifically, the two letters are the English abbreviation for "United Kingdom." The complete name is Regno Unito in Italian. Depending upon the speaker's birthplace, the Italian abbreviation will be "RU" or "UK."
in math, it stands for meters.
The unit of measurement represented by the abbreviation "m" is meters.
United Kingdom.
Answer The abbreviation for meters is m.Another AnswerSI units have 'symbols', not 'abbreviations'. The SI symbol for the metre is a lower-case 'm'.M