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Using wood for energy can create air pollution and contribute to deforestation if not managed sustainably. It can also release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide when burned, contributing to climate change.

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Using wood for energy can create?


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Can you generate energy by using wood?

No only make fires

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How do you make a pencil holder using wood?

To make a pencil holder using wood, you can start by cutting a piece of wood to your desired length and width. Next, drill holes into the wood to hold the pencils. You can then sand and finish the wood to your liking. Alternatively, you can also glue together pieces of wood in a square or rectangular shape to create compartments for the pencils.

Is it a chemical reaction when a piece of wood burns?

It is oxidation as the wood combines with air.

What are the disadvantages to using methane gas to create electrical energy?

its bad for the enironment

Can you create electricity by using sound energy?

Certainly. Microphones do it every day.

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How does the suns energy get into wood and other biomass fuels?

The sun's energy is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis, where they convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) using sunlight. This glucose is then used as energy for growth and stored in the form of biomass in plants such as wood. When wood is burned as a fuel, the stored energy is released as heat and light.

Why did Arthur Manam create the solar panel?

To create a energy efficent way to produce energy using a common item. He had the idea of the sun because it appers everywhere on the planet.