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They would fly each a different direction.

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1mo ago

When two ice skaters glide into each other at full speed, they will experience a collision that will result in a transfer of momentum and energy. This collision can cause them to fall or be pushed in different directions depending on the angle and force of impact. It is important for skaters to wear protective gear and follow safety precautions to avoid injuries from collisions.

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Q: Two ice skaters glide into each other at full speed. What will happen?
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What sports have specially designed clothes to reduce friction?

Sports such as cycling, swimming, and speed skating have specially designed clothing to reduce friction. In cycling, sleek and form-fitting kits are used to reduce air resistance. In swimming, streamlined swimsuits made of materials like Lycra and spandex reduce drag in the water. In speed skating, skintight suits with aerodynamic features help skaters glide faster on the ice.

How does pumping increase skaters acceleration?

Pumping involves transferring weight and shifting body positions to generate momentum through turns in the terrain. By using this technique, skaters can convert potential energy into kinetic energy, which helps increase their acceleration. This allows skaters to maintain and build speed effectively without relying solely on pushing or gravity.

How does pumping increase a skater and acceleration?

Pumping involves using body movements to generate momentum and transfer kinetic energy to the skateboard. By shifting weight and applying pressure, skaters can effectively push themselves forward and gain speed. This technique helps skaters accelerate without having to rely solely on pushing with their feet.

How does pumping increase a skaters acceleration?

Pumping involves using body movements to generate greater acceleration on a skateboard. By shifting weight and using legs to push down and up on the board while transitioning through transitions or ramps, skaters can convert downward energy into forward momentum. This process effectively boosts their speed and allows for faster acceleration.

What other objects can make refraction happen refraction happen?

Other objects that can make refraction happen include prisms, lenses, water droplets (creating a rainbow), and glass objects like windows or glasses. Refraction occurs when light passes from one medium to another and changes its speed, causing the light to bend.

Related questions

How do speed skaters spin?

Speed skaters don't spin. Their training and equipment is designed to maximize foreward velocity.

How much pro skaters wear helmets?

Pro hockey and speed skaters wear helmets but pro figure skaters don't.

Who do speed skaters and figure-skaters wear different kinds of skates?

They're used for different purposes-- figure skates for jumps and spins and speed skates for speed.

What are 10 facts about speed?

Speed skaters use friction and drag.

What are the Norway speed skaters?

Norwegians that skate fast

Are there gay speed skaters?

Yes, American skater Keith Carney is openly gay. There have been closeted Dutch skaters in the past.

World class speed skaters can skate a 3000-mcoursein about 4 minutes what is the average speed?


How do speed skaters dress when speed skating?

They always were short sleeve shirts and shorts because when you speed skate you have to go really fast and you get hot really quick but some speed skaters buy speed skating uniforms that are very light and very stretchy so you can move your legs easily.

What speed skaters will attend the 2010 Olympics supporting US?

Sasha Cohen

What is the best glide speed of g 550?

moc 9

If two skaters with the same mass push off against each other will they move the same speed?

If they push off with the exact same force and incur the exact same wind and friction resistance, and both have the same mass then indeed they should move away from each other at the same speed.

World class speed skaters can skate a 3000m course in about 4 minutes What is their average speed for this course?

12.5 m/s