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The term is "electron diffusion." In metals, free electrons can transfer energy through collisions with other atoms or electrons, leading to a net movement of charge known as electron diffusion.

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Q: The term for free electrons in metals transferring energy by colliding with other atoms or electrons?
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What is it called when free electrons in metals transferring energy by colliding with other atoms or electrons?

It is called thermal conduction, where free electrons in metals transfer energy through collisions with other atoms or electrons, facilitating the flow of heat throughout the material. This process is a key mechanism for heat transfer in metals.

The term for free electrons in metals transferring energy by colliding with other atoms or electrons is?

The term is "electron conduction," where free electrons in metals transfer energy by colliding with other atoms or electrons. This process is crucial for the flow of electric current in conductive materials.

Explain How a metal conducts thermal energy?

Metals conduct thermal energy through the movement of free electrons. When heat is applied, the free electrons gain kinetic energy and move through the metal, colliding with lattice vibrations and transferring their energy. This process allows thermal energy to be rapidly transferred through the metal.

How does conduction take place in metal?

conduction takes place in a non metal by vibrating particles hopefully this helped, its just a short sentence that summed it up really good luck! if your doing a test lol

Why metals are good conductor of heat and electricity?

This is due to the fact that in metals electrons are delocalized and can move free.

What is the scientific process of conduction in metals?

In metals, conduction occurs when free electrons move through the material in response to an applied electric field. These free electrons scatter off atoms and other defects in the metal lattice, transferring energy and momentum. This movement of electrons leads to the transfer of heat or electricity through the metal.

How does metal conduct heat?

Metals conduct heat well because of their free electrons. When one end of a metal is heated, these free electrons move rapidly, colliding with one another and transferring energy as heat throughout the material. This allows for efficient heat transfer within metals.

Use ionization energy to explain why metals lose electrons more easily than nonmetals?

Metals have lower ionization energy compared to nonmetals, which means it is easier for metals to lose electrons and form cations. This is because metals have fewer valence electrons and a larger atomic radius, making it easier for them to lose electrons and achieve a stable electron configuration. Nonmetals, on the other hand, have higher ionization energy, making it more difficult for them to lose electrons and more likely to gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What metals have two electrons in the uter energy level?

The alkaline earth metals have two electrons in their outermost s sublevel.

Metals with two electrons in the other energy level?

I believe they are called Transitional Metals

What is the emission of electrons from a metals surface?

the external energy given to electrons,thier kinetic energy increases.thus electrons move from metal surface

Most metals and nonmetals bond together to get eight electrons in their outer occupied shell?

Most metals and nonmetals form chemical bonds by transferring electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration with a filled outer shell, usually with 8 electrons. This transfer of electrons leads to the formation of ionic bonds between metals and nonmetals.