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The tendency of two masses alone in the universe to drift together is a result of gravity, the fundamental force of attraction between masses. According to the law of universal gravitation, every mass in the universe attracts every other mass.

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Q: The tendecy of two masses alone in the universe to drift together is a result of?
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What configuration will result in the greatest gravitational force?

A configuration where the two masses are closest together will result in the greatest gravitational force. This means that the masses should be large and positioned as closely as possible to each other.

Is the force of gravity greater between two objects that have greater masses?

Yes, the force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to the masses of the objects. Greater masses will result in a stronger gravitational force between them.

What front of air masses moves ether very slowly or no at all?

A stationary front occurs when two air masses meet but don't move. It can result in prolonged periods of cloudy, rainy weather.

What event will produce the greatest increase in the gravitational force between the two masses?

The event that will produce the greatest increase in gravitational force between two masses is reducing the distance between the masses. According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two masses. Therefore, decreasing the distance between the masses will result in a significant increase in the gravitational force.

How do similar forces act on the motion of objects of different masses?

Similar forces will result in different accelerations on objects of different masses. According to Newton's second law, F = ma, where F is the force applied, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration. Objects with larger masses will experience smaller accelerations compared to objects with smaller masses when subjected to the same force.

Related questions

What configuration will result in the greatest gravitational force?

A configuration where the two masses are closest together will result in the greatest gravitational force. This means that the masses should be large and positioned as closely as possible to each other.

How do the masses of the atoms produced as a result of afusion reaction differ from the masses of the atoms that result from a nuclear fission reaction?

The products are very different.

What is the sudden movement of a rock masses as a result of tech tonic earthquakes?

The sudden movement in rock mass causes earthquakes. This is when the rock mass comes together and collapses.

What does the strength of the gravitational pull between two objects depends on?

On the masses (more masses will result in more force), and on the distance (a greater distance will result in less force).

What it will be the result of reversing the spin of the universe?

Matter within the universe has the property of angular momentum, but the universe itself does not appear to spin.

What affect does gravity have on all matter in the universe?

Because of the existence of 'gravity', there are a pair of equal forces between every two specks of mass in the universe. Greater masses and smaller separations result in greater forces. These simple facts lead to the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets, and to virtually all of the motions we see, including orbits.

What is doubling the mass of both masses would result in a change of force between the masses of?

IF you're talking about the mutual forces of gravitational attraction between thetwo masses, then doubling both of their masses increasesthe magnitude of theforces by a factor of 4 ... provided the distance between the masses doesn'tchange.

A result of epeirogeny is?

Uplift and subsidence of large land masses without significant deformation.

When the masses of naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements of what?

When the masses of naturally occurring isotopes of an element are averaged, the result is called the element's average atomic mass.

If scientists say the universe is everything and the universe is always expanding then what is the universe expanding into?

It is not exactly expanding into anything. The galaxies are moving apart from each other, from which we can infer that the universe is expanding. Theoretically, this is a result of the Big Bang, in which the universe began when all matter was compacted into a very tiny sum, and then exploded apart in a very big bang, and as a result is still expanding today.

Is the force of gravity greater between two objects that have greater masses?

Yes, the force of gravity between two objects is directly proportional to the masses of the objects. Greater masses will result in a stronger gravitational force between them.

Does the universe continue to contract shrink expand or stay the same as a result of the initial big bang according to scientists?

According to scientists the universe continues to expand as a result of the initial big bang.