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myelin sheath

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insulating layer called myelin sheath. This myelin sheath helps to speed up the conduction of electrical impulses along the axon by allowing the impulse to jump between nodes of Ranvier, known as saltatory conduction.

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Q: The speed at which a neural impulse travels is increased when the axon is encased by an?
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Does neural processing input either travel along one single pathway to a specific destination or it travels along several different pathways to integrate in different cns regions but not both?

Neural processing can involve both serial processing where information travels in a linear pathway to a specific destination, as well as parallel processing where information travels along multiple pathways to integrate in different regions of the central nervous system. These processes can occur simultaneously and play a role in the complex functioning of the brain.

What correctly lists the structures through which tactile stimuli travels after being converted into neural signals?

Tactile stimuli are converted into neural signals by sensory receptors in the skin, which then travel through peripheral nerves to the spinal cord. From there, the signals ascend to the brainstem and then the thalamus, which relays them to the somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe for processing.

Does neural impulses travel faster than hormonal messages?

Yes, neural impulses travel faster than hormonal messages. Neural impulses are electrical signals that travel along nerve cells at speeds of up to 120 meters per second, while hormonal messages are transmitted through the bloodstream at slower speeds, ranging from a few centimeters to a few meters per second.

Which structure delivers nerve impulse to the brain?

The nervous system delivers nerve impulses to the brain through specialized cells called neurons. These neurons transmit electrical signals from receptors in the body to the brain via neural pathways. The structures involved in this process include sensory receptors, peripheral nerves, the spinal cord, and the brain.

What is a short word for brainwaves?

Neural oscillations.

Related questions

What is neural impulse?

A neural Impulse is a spike of electrical activity.

The message that travels through a neuron?

The message that travels through a neuron is an electrical impulse called an action potential. It is generated when the neuron is stimulated and travels along the neuron's axon, facilitated by the movement of charged ions. This ultimately allows the neuron to communicate with other neurons or target cells.

What are also called neural impulses?

Action potential is a neural impulse.

Neural impulses speed increases when the axon is encased by what?

Myelin Sheath

What generate and transmit nerve impulse?

A sensory stimulus can generate a neural impulse, as can repeated or multiple inputs of neural signals from other neurons.A neural signal is transmitted from one neuron to anotheracross a synapse via chemicals called neurotransmitters, and a neural impulse is transmitted along an axon of a neuron by either an action potential (in an unmyelinated axon) or by saltatory conduction (in a myelinated axon).

The state of the neuron when not firing a neural impulse is known as?

Resting potential

What do you call the state of a neuron when it is firing a neural impulse?

Resting potential.

How are hormones similar to neurotransmitters?

A neural impulse is similar to an electrical signal in three ways: 1. there are electrical voltages involved in the movement of the neural impulse; 2. an electrical signal can convey information, as can a neural impulse; 3. an electrical signal can cause an action, like a car starter switch starting the engine, and a neural impulse can cause a muscle to contract to move a limb. (note that with respect to the voltages involved in the neural impulse, the voltages are created by the movement of chemicals, charged particles called ions, somewhat similar to how batteries produce voltages.) (also note that the neural impulse is the signal which moves along the axon, as an action potential.)

What is it called when another neural impulse cannot occur?

THe absolute refractory period

What is Converging Circuit?

a neural curcuit in which a single impulse is transmitted over and over is a?

What is the neural impulse generated by the movement of positively charged atoms in and out of channels in the axon's membrane?

The movement of positively charged atoms, such as sodium and potassium ions, in and out of channels in the axon's membrane generates an electrical signal called an action potential. This action potential serves as the neural impulse that travels along the axon to transmit information within the nervous system.

Why electrical impulses are referred to as neural impulses?

Electrical impulses are referred to as neural impulses because a neural impulse cause electrical impulses. Neurons use electrical impulses to send messages.