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The pitch of a sound is primarily determined by its frequency, which is the number of complete cycles of a sound wave that occur in a second. Higher frequencies correspond to higher pitches, and lower frequencies correspond to lower pitches. Wavelength plays a secondary role in determining pitch, as it is inversely related to frequency; shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies and vice versa.

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Q: The pitch of a sound is determined by its wavelength and together or its frequency alone.?
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The pitch of a sound is determined by its and speed togetheror its frequency alone?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency alone. The speed of sound does not directly influence the pitch, but rather the frequency of the sound wave determines how high or low we perceive the pitch to be.

How do you calculate the amplitude given the frequency and the wavelength?

To calculate the amplitude given the frequency and wavelength, you would need additional information. Amplitude is a measure of the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position in a wave, which requires knowing the wave equation or properties of the medium carrying the wave. Frequency and wavelength alone do not determine the amplitude of a wave.

What is the wave length of 42800 HZ?

The wavelength of a sound wave at 42800 Hz can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Assuming the speed of sound is 343 m/s (at room temperature), the wavelength at 42800 Hz would be approximately 8 meters.

How do you calculate conductivity of medium when you know velocity wavelength and frequency?

Conductivity can be calculated using the formula σ = ωε/(2π), where σ is the conductivity, ω is the angular frequency (2π times the frequency), and ε is the permittivity of the medium. Knowing the velocity, wavelength, and frequency alone may not be sufficient to directly calculate the conductivity without additional information such as the permittivity of the medium.

How do you determine the frequency of a capacitor?

The frequency of a capacitor is determined by the circuit it is connected to and the components within that circuit. In an AC circuit, the frequency is often determined by the frequency of the AC power source. The formula to calculate the frequency of a capacitor in an AC circuit is f = 1 / (2πRC), where f is the frequency, R is the resistance, and C is the capacitance.

Related questions

The pitch of a sound is determined by its and speed together or its frequency alone?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency alone. The frequency refers to how many times a sound wave oscillates per second, which directly correlates with the pitch we perceive. The speed of sound affects the propagation of the sound wave but not its pitch.

The pitch of a sound is determined by its wavelength and speed together or its alone?

The pitch of a sound can be determined by its frequencyalone.

The pitch of a sound is determined by its and speed togetheror its frequency alone?

The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency alone. The speed of sound does not directly influence the pitch, but rather the frequency of the sound wave determines how high or low we perceive the pitch to be.

How do you find velocity when only the frequency is given?

The question is incomplete. Frequency of what? If it refers to electromagnetic waves, you won't need even frequency to determine velocity (in a vacuum), because it will always be c (the speed of light). You can compute the speed of other kinds of waves if you know the frequency and wavelength, but not from frequency alone. The formula is frequency x wavelength = velocity If the waves are electromagnetic, and you have only frequency, you can compute the wavelength using the same formula.

How do you calculate the amplitude given the frequency and the wavelength?

To calculate the amplitude given the frequency and wavelength, you would need additional information. Amplitude is a measure of the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position in a wave, which requires knowing the wave equation or properties of the medium carrying the wave. Frequency and wavelength alone do not determine the amplitude of a wave.

The speed of sound in water is 1430 meters per second What is the wavelength of a sound with a frequency of 286 Hz traveling through the water?

The formula to calculate wavelength is: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Substituting the values given, we get: wavelength = 1430 m/s / 286 Hz = 5 meters. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound traveling through water with a frequency of 286 Hz is 5 meters.

What is the wave length of 42800 HZ?

The wavelength of a sound wave at 42800 Hz can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency. Assuming the speed of sound is 343 m/s (at room temperature), the wavelength at 42800 Hz would be approximately 8 meters.

How do you calculate conductivity of medium when you know velocity wavelength and frequency?

Conductivity can be calculated using the formula σ = ωε/(2π), where σ is the conductivity, ω is the angular frequency (2π times the frequency), and ε is the permittivity of the medium. Knowing the velocity, wavelength, and frequency alone may not be sufficient to directly calculate the conductivity without additional information such as the permittivity of the medium.

Does 220-Hertz or 440-Hertz move faster?

220 hertz is faster, because the higher the frequency, the lower the wavelength. The wavelength directly correlates to the speed so therefore the object moving at 220 hertz is significantly faster. Not quite. The question is not about moving objects but wave speeds. The formula is velocity = frequency x wavelength, but for any given wave motion through a given medium, its velocity stays constant. Therefore the wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency alone. So a 220Hz signal travels at the same speed as the 440Hz signal, in the same medium.

Why the wave length does not affect the wave speed?

Because it only resembles the wavelength, the speed is how fast the wave travels. two waves of the same size can travel at the same speed Wave speed is affected by a combination of wavelength and frequency, not just one alone.

How do you calculate wave speed without the wavelength?

To calculate wave speed without the wavelength, you need either the frequency or the period of the wave. Use the formula speed = frequency x wavelength to find the speed if you have the frequency, or speed = wavelength / period if you have the period.

How do you determine the frequency of a capacitor?

The frequency of a capacitor is determined by the circuit it is connected to and the components within that circuit. In an AC circuit, the frequency is often determined by the frequency of the AC power source. The formula to calculate the frequency of a capacitor in an AC circuit is f = 1 / (2πRC), where f is the frequency, R is the resistance, and C is the capacitance.