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That is called the machine's efficiency.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The output work of a machine is typically less than the input work, due to factors such as friction, heat loss, and other inefficiencies in the machine's operation. This difference between input and output work is known as the efficiency of the machine.

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Q: The output work of a machine compared to the input work is?
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How does input work and out put work affect the efficiency of a simple machine?

Input work is the work done on a machine, while output work is the work done by the machine. Efficiency of a simple machine is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. The efficiency of a simple machine is high when the output work is close to the input work, indicating that the machine is converting most of the input work into useful output work.

If the input work on a machine is equal to its output work the machine has effciency?

If the input work equals the output work, the machine has 100% efficiency, meaning it is able to convert all the input work into useful output work without any losses. An efficient machine is desirable as it maximizes the output for a given input.

How does the output work compared to the input work for a machine that has an efficiecny less then 100?

When a machine has an efficiency less than 100%, it means that not all of the input work is converted into output work. Some of the input work is lost as waste energy, usually in the form of heat or friction. This results in the output work being less than the input work applied to the machine.

What is a comparison of a machines work input and work output?

mechanical efficiency

If the input work on a machine the machine has blank efficiency?

If the input work is processed by a machine and no output work is produced, the machine is considered to have zero efficiency. This means that the machine is not effectively converting input work into useful output work.

Related questions

The output work of a machine compared to it input work is the of the machine?

Output(input), or O(i)

How does input work and out put work affect the efficiency of a simple machine?

Input work is the work done on a machine, while output work is the work done by the machine. Efficiency of a simple machine is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. The efficiency of a simple machine is high when the output work is close to the input work, indicating that the machine is converting most of the input work into useful output work.

If the input work on a machine is equal to its output work the machine has effciency?

If the input work equals the output work, the machine has 100% efficiency, meaning it is able to convert all the input work into useful output work without any losses. An efficient machine is desirable as it maximizes the output for a given input.

What is the differences between work input and work output?

Work Output is the work done BY a machine. Work Input is the work done ON a machine.

What is the difference between work input and work output?

Work Output is the work done BY a machine. Work Input is the work done ON a machine.

How does the output work compared to the input work for a machine that has an efficiecny less then 100?

When a machine has an efficiency less than 100%, it means that not all of the input work is converted into output work. Some of the input work is lost as waste energy, usually in the form of heat or friction. This results in the output work being less than the input work applied to the machine.

What is a comparison of a machines work input and work output?

mechanical efficiency

What is a comparison of a machine's work output and work input?

Output is always greater than input. The output is multiplied from input.

If the input work on a machine the machine has blank efficiency?

If the input work is processed by a machine and no output work is produced, the machine is considered to have zero efficiency. This means that the machine is not effectively converting input work into useful output work.

Differences between input work and output work?

Work input is work done on a machine to get the desired output. Work output is the amount of desired work that is done by a machine.

How input work and output work computed on each type of simple machines?

Input work refers to the work done on a machine, which is calculated as the input force multiplied by the input distance. Output work is the work produced by the machine, which is calculated as the output force multiplied by the output distance. The efficiency of a machine is determined by comparing the output work to the input work, with ideal machines having an efficiency of 100%.

How does the output work compare to the input work for a machine that has an efficiency equal to 100 percent?

If a machine has 100 percent efficiency, the output work = the input work. That's actually basically what the efficiency of a machine is - output work / input work * 100.