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The force that opposes the motion of an object moving on a surface is called friction. Friction occurs due to the interaction between the surfaces of the object and the surface it is moving on, which creates resistance to motion.

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Q: The force that opposes the motion of an object moving on a surface?
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What is A force that opposes the motion of an object is called?

Friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object. It is caused by the interactions between the surface of the object and the surface it is moving on, leading to resistance to motion.

Is it true or false that the motion of an object is affected by friction?

True, friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object when it is in contact with another surface. Friction can cause the object to slow down or stop moving.

How does friction stop an object from moving forward?

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object when it slides over a surface, creating resistance. When an object is moving forward, the friction between the object and the surface it's on generates a force that acts in the opposite direction to its motion, slowing it down and eventually stopping it.

What opposes the motion of one object moving past each other?

friction is the answer

What resistance to the motion of an object?


What is the force that opposes the motion of objects through air?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force that opposes the motion of objects moving through air. It is caused by the collision of air molecules with the surface of the object, resulting in a frictional force that slows down the object's motion.

Air molecules act on the forward moving surface of an object slowing it's motion?

Air molecules exert a force called air resistance on an object moving through the air. This force opposes the motion of the object, causing it to slow down. The larger the surface area of the object facing the direction of motion, the greater the air resistance and the more the object will slow down.

A force that opposes the motion of one object moving past another?

Kinetic Friction

Which type of friction exists between a surface and moving air?

The type of friction that exists between a surface and moving air is called air resistance or drag. This friction force opposes the motion of the object through the air and increases as the speed of the object increases. It is influenced by factors such as the shape and surface area of the object, as well as the speed at which it is moving.

Does air resistance act at a distance?

Yes, air resistance acts on objects moving through the air at a distance. It is a force that opposes the motion of the object and is proportional to the object's speed and surface area facing the direction of motion.

What is the frictional force to slow an object in motion?

kinetic frictional

Which force tend to slow an object in motion?

The force that tends to slow an object in motion is typically friction. Friction arises between the object and the surface it is moving on, creating a resistance that opposes the motion and gradually reduces the object's speed. Other factors such as air resistance and drag can also contribute to slowing an object in motion.