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The number you are asking for (the critical size) varies dramatically with reactor design and fuel enrichment level, a large power reactor may need thousands of tons of yellowcake while a small research or medical reactor could operate on as little as about 1Kg Highly Enriched Uranium.

Some examples of actual reactor fuel loads:

  • X-10, 54.1 tons slightly enriched Uranium metal
  • NRX, 10.5 tons natural Uranium
  • SUPO, 870 grams 88.7% enriched Uranyl Nitrate in water solution
  • Calder Hall, 130 tons natural Uranium
  • Shippingport, 14.16 tons natural Uranium yellowcake & 75Kg Highly Enriched Uranium metal
  • AHPR, 90Kg highly enriched Uranyl Sulfate & Uranyl Nitrate in water solution
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1mo ago

The amount of fissionable fuel needed for a reaction to proceed on its own is known as the critical mass. This critical mass varies depending on the type of fissionable material and the design of the nuclear reactor. For uranium-235, the critical mass is around 15-25 kg, while for plutonium-239, it is around 5-10 kg.

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Q: The amount of fissionable fuel needed for a reaction to proceed on its own?
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The amount of fissionable material required to sustain a nuclear reaction at a constant rate is determined by the material's critical mass. The critical mass is the minimum amount of fissionable material needed to sustain a chain reaction, and it varies depending on the material and the reactor design. By controlling factors such as neutron moderation and absorption, reactor operators can adjust the critical mass to maintain a steady reaction rate.

What is the amount of fissionable material that must be present in order for a nuclear reaction to take place called?

The critical mass. With an amount of U-235 or Pu-239, the smallest critical mass will be a sphere. For a nuclear reactor, it will be the minimum number of fuel assemblies loaded to produce a chain reaction.

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For a chain reaction to start, there needs to be a sufficient amount of fissile material, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, present in a compact enough form to reach critical mass. Additionally, there must be a neutron source to initiate the reaction by introducing a neutron to the fissile material.

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Critical mass depends on what?

The Purity && The Shape AND size density

How do catalysts catalyse the reactions?

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Activation Energy.

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Yes, more energy is typically required for a chemical reaction in the absence of an enzyme. Enzymes act as catalysts, helping to lower the activation energy needed for a reaction to occur. Without enzymes, the reaction would proceed slower and require more energy input.

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Activation energy

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The energy required to start a chemical reaction is called activation energy. It is the minimum amount of energy needed to initiate a reaction by breaking the chemical bonds of the reactants. This energy barrier must be overcome for the reaction to proceed.

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