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*this is the full question not the answer* Suppose you’re standing on a sidewalk and down the street is an ambulance parked; it’s siren is a 600 Hz sound like it louder, Quieter, louder, quieter, etc. By now, you should understand that if the ambulance drivers toward you the pitch will be higher than 600 Hz. BUT HOW MUCH HIGHER? The amount is directly proportional to speed!(this means waves can be used as a speedometer!) here’s a fact: if the ambulance approached you at 8.5 m/s, the pitch would raise by 15 Hz: you would here 615 Hz instead of 600. But if the ambulance came at you twice as fast— 8.5+8.5=17.0 m/s — The pitch would raise by 30 Hz, you were here at 630 Hz sound. Question: do use the facts given above to answer this:The ambulance is moving toward you and your sound technology measures the pitch at 645 hertz. The speed of the ambulance is therefore ______ m/s.

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βˆ™ 3mo ago

The speed of the ambulance can be calculated using the formula: speed = (345 m/s) * ((f_observed / f_source) - 1), where f_source = 645 Hz and f_observed = 345 Hz. Plugging in the values, the speed of the ambulance moving towards you is 172.5 m/s.

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Q: The ambulance is moving toward you and your sound technology measures the pitch at 645 hertz. The speed of the ambulance is therefore ______ m/s.?
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