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The Law of Conservation of Energy applies to all systems, including objects in space. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. This principle holds true for all physical interactions, whether on Earth or in space.

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Q: The Law of Conservation of Energy only applies to objects in space?
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What effect does mass and energy have on space-time?

Mass and energy cause curvature in space-time according to Einstein's theory of general relativity. Objects with mass and energy distort the geometry of space-time around them, affecting the paths that other objects follow in that region. This is why gravity is observed as a force between masses, as objects are attracted towards regions of curved space-time.

What two things can not be created or destroyed?

Energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, according to the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of mass. They can only change forms or be converted from one to another.

How does the space change as energy is lost?

As energy is lost in a closed system, the overall space remains constant based on the conservation of mass and energy principle. However, the distribution of particles and their respective energies within that space may change. This can lead to changes in temperature, pressure, and volume within the system.

What does the law conservation of what is matter and energy?

The law of conservation of matter and energy states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This means that in any chemical reaction or physical process, the total amount of matter and energy remains constant.

What objects use gravitational energy?

Objects like planets, stars, and galaxies use gravitational energy to hold themselves together and maintain their positions in space. This energy is also utilized by objects that are in motion due to gravity, such as satellites orbiting around a planet or a moon orbiting around a planet.

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What orbiting man made objects in space are powered with solar energy

Objects in space that can only be viewed from earth because of reflected light energy are said to be what?

Objects in space that can only be viewed from earth becouse of reflected light energy are said to be

Objects in space that can only be viewed from earth because of reflected light energy are said to be?

objects in space that can only be viewed from earth because of reflected light energy are said to be luminous.

What effect does mass and energy have on space-time?

Mass and energy cause curvature in space-time according to Einstein's theory of general relativity. Objects with mass and energy distort the geometry of space-time around them, affecting the paths that other objects follow in that region. This is why gravity is observed as a force between masses, as objects are attracted towards regions of curved space-time.

What two things can not be created or destroyed?

Energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, according to the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of mass. They can only change forms or be converted from one to another.

If there is no gravity Does potential energy of objects still exit Mechanical energy is produced by force. Gravity is a special force which is unlimited.Potential energy of objects is unlimited.?

If you leave earths gravitational field (sufficiently), objects will have a very negligible gravitational potential energy. You can consider it zero. But what if it were a compressed spring that you brought out into 'deep space'? It would still retain elastic potential energy. A bomb in deep space would still have explosive(?) potential energy. With that said, if you had two or more objects in deep space, they would have gravitational potential energy between the group of them, but not the earth.

What type of energy do objects in space emit?

Stars, satellites, and something else

The transfer of energy as light through space or transparent objects?

hi hi

Objects in space that can be viewed from earth because of reflected light energy are said to be?


Is a physicist and a astronimer the same?

No, a physicist studies motion, energy and similar things. An astronomer studies objects in space, though not necessarily the physics of those objects. People who study the physics of objects in space are called astrophysicists.

How does the space change as energy is lost?

As energy is lost in a closed system, the overall space remains constant based on the conservation of mass and energy principle. However, the distribution of particles and their respective energies within that space may change. This can lead to changes in temperature, pressure, and volume within the system.

What are objects change electrical energy to heat energy besides light bulb?

Those would be heating elements such as on stoves and in space heaters.