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Electricity is made by converting some form of energy into electricity. Coal is used to heat water in a boiler to make steam. The steam pressure rotates a turbine to power a generator.

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Coal is burned in power plants to create heat, which is used to produce steam. The steam then drives turbines connected to generators, producing electricity. Coal is a cost-effective and reliable fuel source for generating electricity at a large scale.

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Why do we need coal to generate electricity?

Coal is used to generate electricity because it is a plentiful resource and has a high energy content, making it cost-effective for producing power. When burned in power plants, coal produces heat that is used to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity. However, coal is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, leading to environmental concerns.

What type of energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity?

Solar energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through photovoltaic cells, without the need for a turbine.

Which resource doesn't use a turbine to generate electricity?

One resource that doesn't use a turbine to generate electricity is solar power. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through photovoltaic cells without the need for a turbine.

How much coal is required to generate 1 ton of steam?

On average, it takes about 0.4 to 0.5 tons of coal to generate 1 ton of steam in a coal-fired power plant. However, this can vary depending on the efficiency of the plant and the quality of the coal being used.

What do you need to generate electricity?

To generate electricity, you need a source of energy such as fossil fuels, renewable resources like wind or solar, or nuclear reactions. This energy is used to rotate turbines connected to a generator, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Transformers then increase the voltage of the electricity generated for efficient transmission and distribution.

Related questions

Why do you need coal to generate electricity?

because it an fossil fuel

Why do we need coal to generate electricity?

Coal is used to generate electricity because it is a plentiful resource and has a high energy content, making it cost-effective for producing power. When burned in power plants, coal produces heat that is used to produce steam, which drives turbines to generate electricity. However, coal is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, leading to environmental concerns.

Which fuel can be used to generate electricity?

hard wood, coal, natural gas, and petrolium[ect....] are 4 different fuels that are used differently to generate electricity to provde our homes and other organisims with power we need and also others.

How is global temperature increasing?

It's increasing because we are still burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) to generate electricity. We need to move to renewable energy.

Why do you need coal production in Indiana?

because we use coal production electricity

Why you should not use coal to generate electricity?

because it causes pollution it cant be renewable and scientist said that we have 20 yrs in using charcoal to electricity after 20 yrs you need to wait 200 million yrs to mine them again.

How many other coal plants would it take to replace nuclear plants?

Depends on the amount of electrical energy they (need to) generate. How much does the average nuclear plant generate ? How much does the average coal plant generate ?

What kind of reseacher helps find the solution to global warming?

Climate scientists, engineers, technologists. We need to find new ways of providing energy, so we can stop burning coal and oil to generate electricity.

Why you need coal to generate electricity?

You don't. But coal is an economical fuel. One method of producing electricity on a commercial scale is with steam. Coal provides an inexpensive source of heat to heat water to steam, which is directed through turbines which in turn drive generators. You can do the same thing with falling water (without the steam) if you have a large enough waterfall, or you can use a different heat source like natural gas or atomic energy. Coal is sometimes more economical.

What fuels do you need for cooking equipments?

Electricity, Gas, Propane or Coal

How much electricity does a train need everyday?

Trains don't use electricity it uses coal trams use however electricity.

What type of energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity?

Solar energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through photovoltaic cells, without the need for a turbine.