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Light is able to move through matter, but it doesn't need matter
in order to move from one place to another.

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4mo ago

Sound requires a medium, such as air or water, to travel, while light can travel through a vacuum like space. Sound is a mechanical wave that needs particles to propagate, whereas light is an electromagnetic wave that can travel through empty space due to its different nature.

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Q: Sound must move through matter how is light different?
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How does sound react with different phases of matter?

Sound waves have to go through a medium, or matter. Usually the medium is air, but they can go through any matter. Sound waves cannot exist in outer space because there is no matter for the wave to travel through. Sound waves travel at different speeds, depending on the medium. This is similar to light, because light slows down in mediums other than air (eg. water, crystal, ect.)

What is the difference between sound and visiblle light in transmission?

Sound will propagate through any matter, but not a vacuum, light will propagate through a vacuum, but only through transparent matter.

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Matter is the only option that is opaque. Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them. Sound, electricity, and light can pass through certain materials, but not matter.

Which one travels through matter only light or sound?

Sound travels through matter, while light can travel through both matter and empty space. Sound requires a medium, such as air, water, or solids, to propagate, as it relies on molecules colliding to create waves. On the other hand, light can travel through a vacuum as it is composed of electromagnetic waves.

What travels only through matter light waves sound waves or radio waves?

Sound waves can only travel through matter, as they require a medium to propagate. Light waves and radio waves can travel through both matter and empty space.

Is light and sound matter?

No, light and sound are forms of energy rather than matter. Light travels in the form of electromagnetic waves and sound travels in the form of mechanical waves through a medium such as air or water.

How are electromagnetic (or light) waves different from water and sound waves?

Light waves and electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space. Water waves can only travel through matter. Hope this helped!

How light and sound travel different States of matter?

Light can travel through a vacuum as electromagnetic radiation, while sound requires a medium like air, water, or a solid to propagate through. In solids, sound travels fastest due to particles being close together, while in gases, sound travels slower as particles are further apart. Light travels at the same speed in all states of matter.

Is sound and light made up of matter?

Sound is not made up of matter; it is a disturbance that travels through a medium, such as air or water. Light, on the other hand, is made up of electromagnetic waves, which are forms of energy rather than matter.

Is light and sound is matter?

Light is not considered matter as it consists of massless particles called photons. Sound, on the other hand, is a form of energy that propagates through matter as mechanical waves, so it is not considered matter in itself.

How are light and sound alike?

Sound and light are VERY Different. They are both waves... But light can travel through a vacuum and sound requires a medium (matter... Ex. air or water) to travel through. Also they are 2 different kinds of waves (Light~ Transverse, and Sound~ Longitudinal) Though there are some similarities. Both are waves. Therefore they have wavelengths, frequencies, amplitudes, and speeds. They both can be measured also.

What type af matter are sound and light?

sound and light aren't types of matter