2.any viscous fluid
3.dry air
4.cold season or low temperature
5.any medium having particles away from each other or if there is no interaction b/w particles of that medium
Sound travels slower in mediums like air, liquids, and solids compared to in a vacuum. The speed of sound varies depending on the density and elasticity of the medium - it travels slowest in gases, faster in liquids, and fastest in solids. Denser and less elastic mediums will generally slow down sound waves more.
Sound waves travel differently through different mediums because the particles in each medium are arranged differently. In denser mediums, such as solids, sound waves can travel faster and carry more energy, while in less dense mediums, such as gases, sound waves travel slower and with less intensity. This is due to the way particles interact and transmit the energy of the sound wave.
Sound waves lose energy more quickly in stiff mediums compared to less stiff mediums. Stiff mediums allow for greater transmission of energy through collisions between particles, resulting in more rapid dissipation of sound energy. In soft or less stiff mediums, the energy is not as efficiently transferred, allowing sound waves to travel further before losing significant energy.
Sound would travel faster in an oven compared to a freezer. This is because sound waves travel faster through warmer mediums, such as the air in an oven, than through colder mediums, such as the air in a freezer.
30C. Sound is the vibrations of air molecules. In other words, the movement of particles. The hotter something is, the faster the particles are moving. So if the particles move faster, "sound" will move faster.
Sound travels better through materials that have particles closer together, allowing for more efficient transfer of energy between particles. Materials with higher density and rigidity tend to transmit sound more effectively. Additionally, materials that do not absorb or scatter sound waves easily are better at transmitting sound.
Sound waves travel differently through different mediums because the particles in each medium are arranged differently. In denser mediums, such as solids, sound waves can travel faster and carry more energy, while in less dense mediums, such as gases, sound waves travel slower and with less intensity. This is due to the way particles interact and transmit the energy of the sound wave.
Sound waves lose energy more quickly in stiff mediums compared to less stiff mediums. Stiff mediums allow for greater transmission of energy through collisions between particles, resulting in more rapid dissipation of sound energy. In soft or less stiff mediums, the energy is not as efficiently transferred, allowing sound waves to travel further before losing significant energy.
well, the first thing i think about, is you've got to have some sort of instrument. That would be your first medium. After that, you would need air, so that the vibrations from the instruments can move and mix.
Sound would travel faster in an oven compared to a freezer. This is because sound waves travel faster through warmer mediums, such as the air in an oven, than through colder mediums, such as the air in a freezer.
The speed of sound varies depending on the medium it is traveling through. In Earth's atmosphere, the speed of sound is about 343 meters per second. On Mars, where the atmosphere is much thinner, the speed of sound would be slower than on Earth. Therefore, the speed of sound from Mars to Earth would be slower than 343 meters per second.
30C. Sound is the vibrations of air molecules. In other words, the movement of particles. The hotter something is, the faster the particles are moving. So if the particles move faster, "sound" will move faster.
vocal and instrumental are the basic two sound in music
Actually, sound travels slower under water than underground. Sound is a vibration in molecules that we perceive as noise. Water's molecules are rather loose compared to a solid's molecules, so it would travel slower underwater compared to traveling underground.
Sound travels better through materials that have particles closer together, allowing for more efficient transfer of energy between particles. Materials with higher density and rigidity tend to transmit sound more effectively. Additionally, materials that do not absorb or scatter sound waves easily are better at transmitting sound.
See it- speed of light, then hear it- speed of sound is MUCH slower.
Sound travels slowest in gas, such as air, compared to liquids like water and solids like iron. Cotton is not a good conductor of sound and would likely be slower than water and iron.
because you suck at driving it