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Q: What is energy conservation? A: Energy conservation is the practice of reducing energy usage to save resources and decrease environmental impact.

Q: Why is energy conservation important? A: Energy conservation helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower utility costs, and decrease dependence on nonrenewable energy sources.

Q: How can individuals practice energy conservation? A: Individuals can practice energy conservation by turning off lights when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, insulating their homes, and reducing water usage.

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What is conservation short answer type question?

Conservation refers to the responsible management and protection of natural resources and ecosystems to prevent their depletion or degradation. It involves sustainable practices aimed at preserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem services, and ensuring the long-term well-being of both humanity and the environment.

Does the total amount of energy change?

The total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant according to the law of conservation of energy. Energy can change from one form to another, such as from potential to kinetic or thermal energy, but the total energy within the system remains the same.

Why the net charge of an isolated system is conserved?

To be honest, I was searching "The internal energy of an isolated system is" to get an answer myself. However, in the light that energy is constant, that makes a lot of sense. The internal energy is constant in an isolated system because external factors cannot change what is occurring in such a system. The energy is therefore constant considering equilibrium. Over time, the rate of anything will become stabilized, such as when there is a gas-liquid equilibrium and rate of condensation = rate of vaporization. In short, it's constant because of equilibrium and the fact that outside things have no effect.

When can the law conservation of energy be broken?

It really can't, for all practical purposes. When virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are created, it is broken for a very, very short time (limited by the Uncertainty Principle), but just as in the case of some other interesting physical effects, there is no way this can be used to run an engine without energy input.

What law states that energy can change form but is never created or destroyed?

The law you are referring to is the First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy. This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms or be transferred from one system to another.

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According to the law of conservation of mass, the energy in the universe does not gets created or destroyed. It just transforms from one form to another. Hence the total energy in the universe is uniform.

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Short answers like 'yes, there aren't' are used when no information can be added to the question. Those kinds of answers are added to Yes or No questions, where the answers is either Yes or No.

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short-term memory

Does this wiki actually have any answers to the question you need?

It depends on the question, it could be in the Wiki archives somewhere or if someone reads your question and they know the answer they will place it on for you, WikiAnswers does have a vast amount of answers, if your question is detailed but short, you have a good chance of searching up your question. Wiki Answers could already have your question here in its archives, but it is not 100% guaranteed that your answer will be here.

How do you get to ask a question with multiple choice answers?

On Answers, there isn't an option to list multiple choices. However, if it is a short question, and has very few choices (or short choices), you can list those options in the question. Just be aware - you cannot use punctuation such as commas, so your multiple choices will need to be concise and clear. How do you even ask a question ?

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This a descriptive question and should not be asked on a platform as Wiki answers!!

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A short girl can beat up a tall girl, much as a tall girl can beat up a short girl. It is a subjective situation. The true question should be "Should?".See the answers to the related question.

What can people do to make fossil fuel supplies last longer?

To make fossil fuel supplies last longer, people can prioritize energy efficiency by using energy-saving appliances, driving fuel-efficient vehicles, and reducing overall energy consumption. Additionally, promoting and investing in renewable energy sources can help decrease reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to their long-term sustainability.

Who was Benjamin Franklin short answers?

benjamin franklin discovered energy and he also was a patriot and i think he help write the declaration of independence.

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