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Friction. Otherwise known as air resistance.

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3mo ago

The force that slows objects moving through air is called air resistance or drag. It is caused by the interaction between the object and the air molecules as the object moves through the air.

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Q: Name of the force that slows objects moving through air?
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A force that slows down moving objects?

Friction is the force that slows down moving objects by opposing their motion through contact between surfaces. This resistance arises due to the contact between the surfaces of the moving object and the surface on which it is moving.

What force slows down objects moving in water?

The force that slows down objects moving in water is called drag. Drag is caused by friction between the object and the water, which creates resistance and reduces the speed of the object. Objects moving through water also experience buoyancy, which can counteract some of the drag force.

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What is the force that slows moving objects down?


What is A force that slows down things moving through air?

Air resistance or drag is a force that slows down objects moving through the air. It is caused by the friction between the object and the air molecules it encounters, which creates a resistive force that opposes the object's motion.

What is an unbalanced force that slows down moving objects?

An unbalanced force that slows down moving objects is called a frictional force. Friction opposes the motion of objects and causes them to slow down due to interactions between the surfaces in contact.

What force slows moving objects?

Inertia is what slows down moving objects. 2nd Answer: Not even close . . . inertia would keep objects FROM slowing. Friction or running into another object will slow a moving object.

The name of the force that slows any moving object?

During motion, the force of friction acts to resist further movement of objects. Such objects are always in contact with others or through air.

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What is the force that slows down moving things in water?

The force that slows down moving objects in water is called drag force. Drag force occurs due to the resistance of water molecules as they collide with the moving object, causing it to slow down.

What force slows moving things in water?

The force that slows moving objects in water is primarily drag force, which is the resistance exerted by the water as the object moves through it. This drag force increases with the speed of the object and its surface area in contact with the water. Additionally, buoyancy force can also play a role in slowing down objects in water, especially if they are less dense than water.

What is the unbalanced force that slows down sliding desk and moving cars?

The force that slows down moving objects is friction, the action of two objects rubbing against each other. This scenario illustrates the action of Newton's Second Law.