When a material is opaque, it means that it does not allow light to pass through it. This makes the material not transparent or translucent, so you cannot see through it. Opaque materials block the transmission of light.
When light cannot travel through a material, it has been absorbed or blocked by the material. This typically occurs when the material is opaque and not transparent or translucent.
A transparent material allows light to pass through it with minimal absorption or scattering. This results in a clear and see-through appearance, making the material easy to see through.
Frosted glass is a type of material that partly scatters light, making objects difficult to see clearly through it. This is due to its rough and textured surface which diffuses the light that passes through.
There is no known material that light cannot travel through. However, materials such as lead and thick concrete can significantly attenuate or absorb light, making them almost opaque to visible light.
When a material is opaque, it means that it does not allow light to pass through it. This makes the material not transparent or translucent, so you cannot see through it. Opaque materials block the transmission of light.
You cannot see air. Light passes through it.
Light cannot pass through an opaque material.
We cannot see a light source even if 1 opaque material is blocking the light source. Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them so we cannot see light through them but we can still see light reflected by them.
Such materials through which you can see are called transparent materials. As for example-glass. Such materials through which you cannot see are called opaque materials. As for example- wood
When light cannot travel through a material, it has been absorbed or blocked by the material. This typically occurs when the material is opaque and not transparent or translucent.
a fanny
No, you cannot see through a mushroom.
A transparent material allows light to pass through it with minimal absorption or scattering. This results in a clear and see-through appearance, making the material easy to see through.
Water cannot pass through tyvek. Water vapor can however but liquid water cannot. Tyvek is high-density polyethylene fiber and is a synthetic material.