

Light travels slowest in what?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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6y ago

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Light travels slowest in a medium with a high refractive index, such as glass or water. This is because light is absorbed and re-emitted by atoms in the medium, causing it to slow down compared to its speed in a vacuum.

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Q: Light travels slowest in what?
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Red light tends to travel slowest in glass compared to other colors in the visible spectrum.

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Yes. The more dense the material the slower light travels. Light travels the slowest in diamond at about a third of its normal speed of 300 000 km /s in a vacuum.

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Light travels the fastest of the four options provided, followed by an airplane, then a car, and finally sound. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 186,282 miles per second, while sound travels at around 767 miles per hour in the air. Airplanes can reach speeds of over 600 miles per hour, and cars typically have lower speeds depending on their model and conditions.

What color travels the slowest?

All colors of light travel at the same speed in a vacuum, which is the speed of light. However, in mediums like air or water, the speed of light differs for different colors due to their different wavelengths and refractive indexes. Blue light generally travels slower than red light in these mediums.