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The motorcycle's gasoline is potential energy. The energy is released as a chemical reaction (chemical energy) and converted to heat (heat energy). It then becomes converted to kinetic energy with the movement in the engine, and subsequent movement of the motorcycle.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Riding a bike involves the movement of the bike and the rider, which is a form of kinetic energy. The pedaling of the bike generates kinetic energy that propels the bike forward. The faster the bike moves, the more kinetic energy it has.

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11y ago

When riding a bike, potential energy comes from your body (where you convert your stored energy into kinetic energy in the pedalling). From there on, it is all kinetic energy. The energy from your pedals is converted into energy in the chains, then to the wheels which causes the whole bicycle to move (kinetic energy as well). Because you are sitting on the bicycle, you also gain kinetic energy (unless you stay at the original position). There is also gravitional potential energy acting on you and the bicycle throughout the whole event but since it is not converted into anything else, it is often not necessary to mention it

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6y ago

Some is lost to wind resistance, some to friction between tyres and road, and in the chain drive mechanism. If you are going uphill, that's another use of energy

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13y ago

Other way around. Kinetic energy is the movement, potential is the potential to move (as sitting at the top of a hill). I think, anyways.

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13y ago

Kinetic energy is energy of movement. Anything that has a mass, and moves, has some kinetic energy.

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13y ago

fat people fart

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Q: How is riding a bike kinetic energy?
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What kind of energy is made when riding a bike?

Kinetic energy.

What is the energy transformation when riding a bike?

When riding a bike, the chemical energy stored in your body from food is converted into kinetic energy as you pedal the bike and move forward. This kinetic energy is then used to overcome frictional forces and propel the bike forward.

Trace the energy transformation from a hamburger to riding a bike?

It goes from Chemical to Kinetic to Mechanical ! :)

What energy transformation that happens in boy riding a bike?

The energy transformation that happens when a boy rides a bike is from chemical energy stored in the boy's body (from food) being converted to kinetic energy as the boy pedals the bike. This kinetic energy then propels the bike forward, overcoming friction and gravity.

What kind of energy transformations does riding a bike?

When riding a bike, the energy transformations involve converting chemical energy from food into mechanical energy to pedal the bike, which is then transformed into kinetic energy to move the bike forward. Additionally, some of the mechanical energy is lost as heat due to friction between moving parts.

What are the energy conversion of riding a bicycle up and down the hills?

When riding a bicycle uphill, the energy conversion involves converting chemical energy from food consumed into kinetic energy to pedal the bike uphill against gravity. When riding downhill, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the bike accelerates due to gravity. Some energy is lost as heat and air resistance during both uphill and downhill cycling.

What energy transformations are in riding a bicycle?

When riding a bicycle, chemical energy from your body is converted into mechanical energy to pedal the bike. This mechanical energy is then transformed into kinetic energy as the bike moves forward. Additionally, some energy is lost to friction and air resistance, dissipating as heat energy.

Is cycling kinetic or potential energy?

Cycling involves both kinetic and potential energy. When you are pedaling, you are converting the potential energy stored in your muscles into kinetic energy to move the bike forward. Additionally, the potential energy stored in the height of the cyclist and the bike can also be converted into kinetic energy when riding downhill.

When energy conversions when ride a bicycle up and down the hill?

chemical energy from food the rider has eaten gets turne into kinetic energy as the bike is moving. Then into potential energy as the bike heads uphill. As the bike heads down potential energy turns into kinetic energy.

What type of energy is a moving bike?

The energy associated with a moving bike is kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. As the pedals rotate and the wheels turn, the bike gains kinetic energy due to its motion.

How does a Bike gets energy from the sun?

A bike does not get energy from the sun. A bike takes kinetic energy from you and makes it into a proportional amount of kinetic energy depending on what gear you are on.

What type of energy conversion takes place when riding a bike turns on the headlight?

Mechanical energy from pedaling the bike is converted into electrical energy to power the headlight, which then produces light energy.