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The surface area

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1mo ago

It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by decreasing the area where force is applied. This is known as pressure magnification, where the same amount of force is spread over a smaller area, resulting in higher pressure.

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Q: It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by blank the area where force is applied?
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It is possible to increase the amount of pressure by the amount of area where force is applied.?

The surface area

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What do you do to increase the amount of pressure by whwere the force is applied?

To increase pressure by where the force is applied, you can decrease the area over which the force is distributed. This can be achieved by using a smaller contact area or focusing the force on a specific point. Such methods will increase the pressure exerted at the point of contact.

When a force is applied to a fluid in a closed container the pressure increases everywhere by the same amount?

When a force is applied to a fluid in a closed container, the pressure increases uniformly throughout the fluid. This is because the molecules of the fluid transmit the force in all directions equally, resulting in a uniform increase in pressure.

Amount of force applied to an area?

The amount of force applied to an area is known as pressure. Pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied by the area over which the force is distributed. The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), which is equal to one newton per square meter.

What layer has the least amount of pressure and heat applied to it?

The crust

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How can pressure be increased or decreased?

Pressure can be increased by adding more force or reducing the area over which the force is applied. It can be decreased by reducing the force or increasing the area over which the force is distributed. Additionally, changing the volume of a container can also affect pressure, as pressure is inversely proportional to volume for a fixed amount of gas.

What happens to pressure if you increase the ATM?

If you increase the atmospheric pressure, the pressure will also increase. This is because atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of air above a certain point, so increasing the amount of air causes an increase in pressure.

How do you increase pressure and decrease pressure?

You can increase pressure by applying a force over a smaller area or by reducing the volume of a container. To decrease pressure, you can either reduce the force applied or increase the area over which the force is spread.

What term describes the amount of force applied to a given area?


What term describes the amount of force applied to the given area?
