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No, fingerprints on each hand are unique. Each person has distinct fingerprint patterns on both hands that are formed during fetal development and remain unchanged throughout one's life.

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Q: Is your fingerprints on your left hand the same on your right hand?
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What is the fulcrum of a broom?

Depends on which hand is where and which is applying the power. Some sweep with their left hand on the end and their right in the middle, using the right to push and pull and the left as the fulcrum. Some use the same hand placement, but use the left to supply the power through the right hand fulcrum. Others insert the handle into the...

Is a plane mirror upright or inverted?

Actually a plane mirror inverts an image not side to side, but front to back. If you hold up your right hand in front of a mirror, the images of the parts of your hand closest to you will be the farthest away. It is this inversion that turns a left hand into a right hand, while leaving the thumbs on both hands pointing in the same direction.

When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg?

When you walk, your left arm swings with your right leg and your right arm swings with your left leg. This is a natural movement that helps maintain balance and coordination while walking.

Describe the image formed in a plane mirror?

The image formed in a plane mirror is virtual, upright, the same size as the object, and laterally inverted (left becomes right and vice versa).

Is the image formed by a plane mirror exactly the same comment on your answer?

Yes, the image formed by a plane mirror is laterally inverted, which means left and right are switched. This is the only difference; otherwise, the image is exactly the same as the object in terms of size, shape, and orientation.

Related questions

Are figerprint on your left hand the same as your right hand?

No. All ten fingerprints on your two hands are different from one another. If you ever have your fingerprinted taken, you will have to give fingerprint image from both your right and left hands.

Are footprints the same as fingerprints?

No, footprints are impressions left by feet on a surface, while fingerprints are unique patterns of ridges and valleys on the tips of fingers. Both can be used for identification purposes, as they are unique to each individual.

Are both hands fingerprints the same?

No, each hand has a unique set of fingerprints. Even the fingerprints on each individual finger of the same hand are different. This uniqueness is what makes fingerprints a reliable form of identification.

Are thumbprints the same as fingerprints?

Thumbprints are a specific type of fingerprints that are left by the ridges of the skin on the thumb. Fingerprints, on the other hand, refer to the unique ridges on the skin of the fingers and thumbs that form distinct patterns used for identification.

Are left hand and right hand thumbprints same?

No - they are different

Is the lefthand distal to the right hand?

No, the left hand is not distal to the right hand. Distal means further away from the point of reference, and in terms of hands, both left and right hands are at the same level.

What does Germany used in driving right or left hand drive?

Left hand drive, the same as the rest of Continental Europe.

How do you play a high high a on the flute?

Low a- thumb,1,2 on left hand pinky on right hand Middle a- same High a- thumb,2 on left hand and 1,pinky on right hand

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put the pants on backwards

What is mean when your right hand does what your left hand does?

I assume you mean "What does it mean when your right hand can do the same thing as your left?" That means that you are ambidextrous, or, you can preform manual tasks at the same level of skill with both hands. If you are ambidextrous, you are a very lucky person!

Does everybody have only one type of fingerprint on their fingers?

everybody has a distinct fingerprint mine is different then yours and you have different fingerprints then your mom/dad ect. But all your fingerprints are the same for each of you fingers middle is same as pinkie as same as thumb ect. Left same as right. Your toes have prints to not to shure that there the same.

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A right hand thread is one where a nut moves in the direction of the way the thumb points on your right hand if the nut is turned in the direction of the curl of the fingers (or the direction the fingers point) of your right hand. The same is true for a left hand thread using the left hand, of course.