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No, the foundational moral principle is typically broad and universal, guiding individuals on how they should conduct themselves in various situations.

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Q: Is the foundational moral principle very specific yes or no?
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Why is bernoulli's principle a principle and not a law?

Bernoulli's principle is based on the relationship between the speed and pressure of a fluid in motion. It is a principle because it involves specific conditions and assumptions, such as ideal fluid behavior and steady flow. It does not hold true in all situations, unlike scientific laws which are universally applicable.

The Aufbau principle states that an electron?

The Aufbau principle states that an electron will occupy the lowest energy orbital available before occupying higher energy orbitals. This principle helps to explain the filling order of electron orbitals in an atom.

The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has a low specific heat capacity or high specific heat capacity?

High specific heat capacity, because it takes a significant amount of heat energy to raise the temperature of sand during the day, and that heat is released slowly at night, resulting in the temperature drop.

What is principle of operation of wave trape?

A wave trap is a device designed to block or trap specific frequencies of electrical signals while allowing others to pass through. It operates based on the principle of resonance, where it absorbs energy at a specific frequency, preventing it from interfering with other circuits. By tuning the wave trap to the desired frequency, it can effectively filter out unwanted signals.

How does Bernoulli's Principle apply to kites?

Bernoulli's Principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. In the case of kites, the air moving over the curved surface of the kite creates lower pressure above the kite compared to below it. This pressure difference generates lift, allowing the kite to fly.

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The duration of A Very Moral Night is 1.83 hours.

How are the ten commandments a biblical allusion?

The Ten Commandments are a set of moral principles given by God to Moses in the Bible. They serve as guidelines for ethical behavior, and many people consider them a foundational aspect of biblical teachings. The reference to the Ten Commandments in literature or conversation can be seen as an allusion to this biblical story and the moral values it represents.

What is the principle difference between heat and temperature?

Temperature is very specific and quantifiable using Kelvins, degrees Celsius, or degrees Fahrenheit. It can be either hot or cold. Heat is, of course, hot. There is no specific temperature so it is more subjective.

What is a moral example of lying?

There is no moral example of lying. The bible says it very clear. A lie is a lie.

What moral principle is for illegal drug use?

Your question is very confusing; i will do my best. Morally, many religions are against intoxicating products (although this is very, very debatable.) With this, most families are religious, and modern religions are very anti (illegal) drugs. Honestly, I have no idea how to answer your question. Ultimately morality is individuality, and thus can not be determined into a moral code universally. Perhaps it is because people find breaking the law immoral, so illegal drugs are immoral. Why are prescription drugs with worse effects alright and not marijuana? Legality. That's all it is.

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Vital sources refer to essential or crucial sources of information or materials that are instrumental in analyzing a specific topic or issue. These sources are considered foundational to understanding and exploring a particular subject in depth.

Moral lesson on the forth kind?

expect the unexspected and be very very careful

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Bearing principle is very simple: objects rolling easier than slide.

Descartes concept of systematic doubt led to the famous saying Cogito ergo sum which means?

"I think, therefore I am." This phrase signifies that the act of thinking proves one's existence as a thinking being. It is a foundational principle in Descartes' philosophy, asserting that the very act of doubting or thinking about one's existence demonstrates the reality of one's own consciousness.

Not a principle of cell theory?

Cells must have a specific shape and size is not a principle of cell theory. Cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of life, and all cells come from pre-existing cells.

Is moral a verb?

The word moral is not a verb. It can be a noun, as in, the moral of the story is to never trust strangers, or it can be an adjective, as in Pastor Lewis is a very moral person, but it is not a verb. Moralize is a verb.