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At the base.

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1mo ago

The air pressure is greater at the base of the mountain compared to the peak. This is because the weight of the column of air above decreases as you move higher up in the atmosphere, leading to lower air pressure at higher elevations.

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Q: Is the air pressure greater at the peak of the mountain or the base?
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Why does the peak of a mountain weather faster than the rocks at the bottom of the mountain?

The peak of a mountain is typically exposed to harsher weather conditions, including higher winds, more intense sunlight, and greater temperature fluctuations. This exposure increases the rate of weathering on the peak compared to rocks at the base of the mountain, which may be more sheltered from these elements. Additionally, water and ice can accumulate more readily at higher elevations, contributing to more rapid weathering processes.

What is the difference between peak inspiratory pressure and plateau pressure?

Peak inspiratory pressure refers to the maximum pressure reached during inspiration, while plateau pressure refers to the pressure measured when there is no airflow in the lungs at the end of an inspiratory pause. Plateau pressure is a better indicator of lung distensibility and risk of overinflation compared to peak inspiratory pressure.

Wave is to crest peak is to?

mountain i think

Is the temperature at which water boils at the seashore is less or greater than that at a Himalayan peak?

The boiling point of water decreases with altitude, so the temperature at which water boils would be lower at a Himalayan peak compared to the seashore. This is because air pressure decreases with increasing altitude, which affects the boiling point of water.

What is the peak of a wave where the greatest air pressure occurs?

The peak of a wave where the greatest air pressure occurs is known as the crest. This is the highest point of the wave where the air particles are most compressed, resulting in an increase in air pressure.

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What is the opposite of the base of a mountain?

the peak of the mountain

The opposite of the base of the mountain?

I'm assuming that you would be referring to the "peak" of a mountain. The peak of the mountain is generally the tallest point; thus opposite of the base.

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An antonym for this is a peak or a summit.

Not the base of the mountain but the mm?

Summit! The Summit of the mountain is the highest point, also the peak.

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What are the parts of a mountain?

A mountain typically consists of a peak or summit, slopes, a base or foothills, and sometimes plateaus or ridges. The slope can be composed of different geological features such as cliffs, scree slopes, and talus fields. Additionally, mountains often have a variety of flora and fauna adapting to the different elevations and climates.

What is the opposite of base of the mountain?

The opposite of the base of a moutain would be it's peak. The very tip of the mountain where all the snow rests and where it's coldest.

Where is the air pressure greater Everest peak or New York?

New York.

What is a mountain peak?

A mountain peak is the top of a mountain.

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The level of the lake

Highest peak with a base in the seafloor?

Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the world's tallest mountain from base to peak! The base of the mountain is located on the sea floor and rises 33,480 feet or 10,314 meters in total, reaching 13,796 feet (4205 m) above sea level.

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A mountain is a land form with a broad base that rises sharply into a peak. It is a large natural elevation of the surface of the Earth.