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no, its part of profile drag.

due to roughness, skin friction increases which affects the drag.

drag can also be increased by changing the shape or by introduction of active/passiv flow control devices like vortex generators.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

No, profile drag of an aircraft and skin drag are two separate components of drag. Profile drag is mainly caused by the shape of the aircraft, while skin drag is specifically due to friction between the air and the aircraft's surface.

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Q: Is profile drag of an aircraft also known as skin drag?
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What causes induced drag?

Induced drag is caused by the creation of lift on an aircraft's wings. As the aircraft generates lift, it creates vortices at the wingtips, which result in a rearward force component known as induced drag. This drag increases as the angle of attack or lift produced by the wings increases.

What is air resistance also known as?

Air resistance is also known as drag or aerodynamic drag.

Why is maximizing the ratio of lift to drag forces desirable?

Maximizing the lift-to-drag ratio is desirable because it allows an aircraft to generate more lift for a given amount of drag, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and range. A higher lift-to-drag ratio also means the aircraft can fly at higher altitudes and speeds, which can be beneficial for performance and overall aircraft capabilities.

Why drag slows the forward movement of an aircraft?

Drag is a force that acts opposite to the direction of motion of an aircraft as it moves through the air. This force is caused by air resistance and friction against the aircraft's surface. Drag slows down the forward movement of the aircraft by requiring additional thrust from the engines to overcome it.

Explain drag and how it relates to flight.?

Drag is the force that resists an object moving through a fluid, such as air. In the context of flight, drag is the force that acts opposite to the aircraft's direction of motion and is caused by air resistance. Pilots and aircraft designers must consider drag as it affects the performance and efficiency of an aircraft in flight.

Related questions

What does drag do for an aircraft?

Drag slows down aircraft, which is why designers of aircraft that are supposed to be fast pointy and waisted, because a pointy shape has less drag, and waisted because of the area rule, which also helps an aircraft to go faster.

What is the difference between form drag and pressure drag?

There is no difference between the two. It is also called profile drag.

What causes induced drag?

Induced drag is caused by the creation of lift on an aircraft's wings. As the aircraft generates lift, it creates vortices at the wingtips, which result in a rearward force component known as induced drag. This drag increases as the angle of attack or lift produced by the wings increases.

What is air resistance also known as?

Air resistance is also known as drag or aerodynamic drag.

Why is maximizing the ratio of lift to drag forces desirable?

Maximizing the lift-to-drag ratio is desirable because it allows an aircraft to generate more lift for a given amount of drag, resulting in improved fuel efficiency and range. A higher lift-to-drag ratio also means the aircraft can fly at higher altitudes and speeds, which can be beneficial for performance and overall aircraft capabilities.

What is drag in an aircraft?

In aircraft aerodynamics, drag is the force that opposes forward motion, caused by air resistance as the aircraft is pushed forward by it's engines.

How does drag affect an aircraft's speed?

Drag is resistance. It lowers it.

List and explain the different types of parasitic drag?

Parasite dragThis drag is created by the uneven surface of the aircraft, like opening, obstruction on the skin of the fuselage and wings. There are different types of parasitic drags, these types of drags are on the following:Form dragSkin frictioninterference dragForm dragProfile drag is also known as form drag. Profile drag is the drag produced by the action of the rotor blades being forced into the oncoming airflow. If a rotor blade was cut in half from the front of the blade (leading edge) to the rear of the blade (trailing edge), the resulting shape when looking at the cross-section is considered to be the blade "profile". For a rotor blade to produce lift, it must have an amount of thickness from the upper skin to the lower skin, which is called the "camber" of the blade. In general terms the greater the camber, the greater the profile drag.This is because the oncoming airflow has to separate further to pass over the surfaces of the rotor blade. The blade profile for a given helicopter has been designed as a compromise between producing sufficient lift for the helicopter to fulfil all of its roles, and minimising profile drag. To alter the amount of lift produced by the rotor system, the angle of attack must be altered. As the angle of attack is increased then the profile drag also increases.Skin frictionSkin friction drag is caused by the actual contact of the air particles against the surface of the aircraft. This is the same as the friction between any two objects or substances. Because skin friction drag is an interaction between a solid (the airplane surface) and a gas (the air), the magnitude of skin friction drag depends on the properties of both the solid and the gas. For the solid airplane, skin fiction drag can be reduced, and airspeed can be increased somewhat, by keeping an aircraft's surface highly polished and clean. For the gas, the magnitude of the drag depends on the viscosity of the air. Along the solid surface of the airplane, a boundary layer of low energy flow is generated. The magnitude of the skin friction depends on the state of this flow.Interference dragInterference drag is a component of parasitic drag which is caused by vortices. Whenever two surfaces meet at a sharp angle on an airplane, the airflow has a tendency to form a vortex. Drag is created by acceleration of air in to this vortex, by doing this the aircraft will form a low pressure area. With the help of primary methods interference drag could be reduced, this method will include eliminating any sharp angles on the aircraft by a certain means.drag

What is thrust for an airplane?

Thrust is the produced force of the aircraft that propels the aircraft forward in order to overcome drag. Drag is the natural force of the air that resists the motion of the aircraft.

What are the purposes of the slats and flaps of an airplane's wings?

Slats and flaps increase drag and also increaselift. The increase in drag slows the aircraft down, and the increase in lift lowers the stall speed, which slows the landing speed of the aircraft.

What is drag on a plane?

drag is minimized by aerofoil shape. drag is a force acts on aircraft to minimize speed

Modding gamertag won't let me drag profile to desktop?

You dont drag it you have to extract it